The Beginning
1.Liu Bang, also known as Emperor Gao, was the founder and first emperor of the Han Dynasty.
2. Xiang Yu, a prominent warlord in the time of the Qin Dynasty, appointed Liu Bang as prince of the small fief of Hanzhong, a small growing city. Liu then named his dynasty after the previously mentioned city.
Han Wudi
1. Most schools had to follow the Confucius style if teaching, mostly revolving in the topics of teaching people respect and common courtesy.
2. Rather than using the “wait until attacked” foreign policy of his predecessors, he used a far more offensive approaching against his enemies.
Land and Reform
1. Most small landowners had slaves that worked on their plantations, farms, etc. but mostly relied on rent paying tenants to both cultivate the land, and make sure they could keep it. But more often than not, they had to sell their land to the wealthier citizens of the Han dynasty.
2. Little is known about his reforms, but a few well known is that he created a primitive form of social security payments, collecting taxes from the rich so loans could be given to the poor, government monopolies on things such as iron and salt, instated social statism, and imposed a ruinous tax on farmers.