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The History Of England

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In England, there has been
ALOT of history, good, bad and disgusting! Yet altogether, it’s fun to learn, so... let’s go back in time and discover English history! Sit back relax and enjoy!

The Stone Age.

In the Stone Age, mankind had just started to develop their own language, food and way of living. This period of time lasted for approximately 2 thousand years. The Stone Age was split into 3 parts, the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age.……The Stone Age was the first period of time it included: the Neolithic age, the Palaeolithic age and the Mesolithic age .The Stone Age was when early man made the first weapons. These weapons were made out of stone.

The Bronze Age
The Bronze Age was a time where cavemen were Homo Sapions (the type of humans that we are today
)The early men also started to settle down in places instead of moving around all the time and they had bronze weapons instead of stone.

Photo by Chris Linnett

The Iron Age
The Iron Age was when cavemen started to make their weapons from Iron. This was also the time where most of the people living at that time were farmers instead of hunters.

Photo by Joanbrebo

Saxon and Viking times.
In this era, chaos emerged, Vikings were Pillaging monastery after monastery killing more and more people (most were monks that they killed). A time of legends like King Alfred the Great and a time of vicious self centred people like King Guthram.

Photo by Paul Arky

The Saxon Era

The Saxon era lasted between 410 and 1066 AD.It was a time of great invention yet it had some downfalls particularly the one in 1066, this downfall was the reason of why the Saxon era ended altogether!
The Saxons‘ most greatest leader was a king called Alfred the great, he defeated king Guthram in May 878.

Viking times
In Viking times, there was a lot of chaos and destruction, in fact the nursery rhyme ‘London bridge is falling down’ is about the Vikings pillaging London Bridge! They arrived from Scandinavian countries like Iceland, they came to England since in their home countries, they suffer from famine and starvation yet England did not. Although that does not give them any excuse to pillage cities and towns, that was awful!

Photo by mag3737

The Middle Ages
In the Middle Ages, the first English Kings and queens came, including King William The Conquerer, William II, Henry I, Steven I, Richard I and King John I. Each monarch famous for a different thing. In the Middle Ages, battle after battle, war after wars were played, including Agincourt (a hundred year war between England and France -England won) This was a time of conflict and destruction all across England.

The Tudor Era
I am sure that you have heard about this incredible, historical era. It is the most famous era of them all. This era is home to many famous monarchs, such as: King Henry iii, Elizabeth I, Mary I and Edward iii. Henry VIII was famous for having six wives, Elizabeth I is famous for defeating the Spanish Armada and for being the longest reigning Tudor monarch, reigning for 44 years. Mary I, also known as Bloody Mary is famous for burning protestants at the stake.Finally, Edward III is famous for being the shortest reigning Tudor monarch since he started reigning at 9 years old and died from smallpox at 15 years old. Tudor times was also the time of a famous playwright called William Shakespeare.

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The Georgian Era

The Georgian Era started when a German king (George I) ruled and after the king’s tragic death on the toilet, his son -George II-came to the throne. George II’s reign was full of war and chaos as he had a war with the Scottish Prince Charles Bonnie who was trying to restore the Stuart bloodline to the English throne. Next on the throne in Georgian times was King George III who was one of the longest reining monarchs of all time yet, during his reign, he developed an illness which caused him to be a bit eccentric in the mind. Next, was King George IV and he only ruled for ten years as his father reigned for so long. The Georgian Era was also a time of poison fashion, where many ladies used white led paint as makeup.

Victorian Era
The Victorian Era was a time in which the monarch of the country was Queen Victoria who reined for 64 years. After she lost her husband, Albert, she wore black for the next 40 years. Life in the Victorian Era was extremely harsh for those of no nobility as most Victorian commoners lived in slums in one room with many other people. Some, had nowhere Togo so they had to live on the streets. Not to mention life as a child in Victorian times, if you weren’t made to work as a slave, you would be sent to a workhouse which was an incredibly large safety hazard.

The 20th century
The twentieth century was the time of: World War One (the first of the most tragic wars arguably in English history), World War Two (the time of the terrible German Nazis) and the
Cold War (a war between America and the Soviet Union).

The 21st century
The twenty first century was a time of different things such as:
commencing the first stage of the Iraq War and the o9/11 attack on the Twin Towers.


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