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The Industrial Revolution

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Industrial revolution

Eamon Kirby

Life in the revolution

  • A lot of people worked very hard
  • People weren't being paid a lot
  • Not just people working in factory, children as we'll

Inventions in the revolution

  • There were a lot of inventions
  • The cotton gin
  • and more advance technology started to occur

Historic background

  • Began in 1700s,
  • Ended in 1900s
  • Important part of human society
  • Had child labor

Inside machine

From the past until today

  • In the past, people used black & white cause there were no color back then
  • It took a year to make a car
  • Today's world, people do remakes of the past
  • Well colors started debut in the 1970s
  • In the past, people lived in small apartments & today, people live in big Madison
Photo by paukrus

The end