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The information of the Virginia Colony

Published on Oct 26, 2018

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The information of the Virginia Colony

Important Historical Events

  • 1612, John Rolfe start local tobacco industrie
  • June 9,1586, the colonists received exciting news that Sir Francis Drake and his ships were coming
Photo by Sarah-Johsnon

Important Historical Events

  • 1619, the Dutch ship brought first blacks to Virginia
  • Queen Elizabeth died in 1603 and King James I became the new king of England
  • April of 1607, Jamestown was found
  • In 1790, 292,627 African slaves came to America
Photo by Aaron Mello

Interesting facts about Virginia

  • Self Governed
  • Main city was Jamestown
  • The had the Plymouth Company and Virginia Company
  • Was a royal colony
  • 44 men died on the Mayflower to the colonies
Photo by adpowers

Tobacco, gold and other objects were important crops or goods

Photo by davedehetre

Was found by the London Company and Sir Walter Raleigh

The Virginia Company paid for their journey and thought the colonists would discover gold and make them rich

Photo by Rene Böhmer

Captain John Smith was eventually appointed leader of the colony

Photo by Nick Kenrick.

In June 1776, the Virginia convention declared Virginia's independence from England

Photo by aherrero

Important people

  • Patrick Henry
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • George Washington
  • John Smith
  • King Arthur
  • King James I
Photo by Bhavna Sayana

Who settled in Virginia

  • The Scotish and the Irish
  • And some were Christian
Photo by Fred Bigio

Why was Virginia different?

  • Virginia was the first colony in America
  • Disease and conflicts happened with the Indians
Photo by Kay Gaensler