The Invincible Iron Man
Visual Communication and Design Project
Effects of Technology on Design
By Jullian D. Bautista
Although creating a comic book may seem a lot like just drawing a whole bunch on images, it requires a lot of detailed plot writing. Discussing the story, characters and settings are important to create an interesting and exciting story.
Comic books are limited to a certain amount of pages which means that the writer and artist must discuss how they break up the story.
Creating a plot and story is no different from making a movie script. The story is refined and a script is made.
The artist reads the script and creates sketches called Thumbnails.
The artwork is then created and sent to the printers. It is shrunk down to size using a very large horizontal camera.
The image is captured on a negative film. Color is then matched up by a "stripper".
It begins to mask out each area. This is called "Flattening".
This process takes hours because the stripper has to cut out each mask for different color tones.
When the Flattening is completed, the image is composed into four negative colors:
Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black
The stripper exposes the masks to the raw film, they do this four times. One for every color.
The comic page is then 'proofed', meaning that it is checked for any mistakes.
If there is a mistake, it could mean that the artist might have to redo the whole page from scratch.
Once the page has been approved by the editor, the page is then exposed to a printing plate.
For each page, there are four plates. Each plate prints one of the four colors onto the page.
The printing machines does the rest of the work.
The pages are then trimmed, folded, stacked and then binded.
What does the process have to do with technology?
The quality of printing has improved. It also helps the production to speed up which means more detail can be added to the art.
Effects of modern technology on Iron Man
Iron man has changed drastically in the technology that the suit contains.
This is due to the fast moving advancements of modern technology.
And because Tony Stark is the highest in technological advances in the comic series, he needs to have more advanced tech.
FIRST RepulsoR Technology
- Early adaptions of the repulsor technology was a monobeam.
- The repulsors only worked for a couple of yards.
- The original repulsor technology was powered by transistors.
- The hand repulsors were adapted to the Mk III armor.
- The suit also had a pacemaker to keep Tony Stark alive.
Modern Repulsor Technology
- The modern Iron Man armor has a monobeam and repulsors.
- The beam has no physical limits unless an object stops it.
- The beam is a powerful blast of kinetic energy.
- The pace maker was replaced with an Arc reactor.
- The suit is powered by an electro-magnet (arc reactor).
Original iron man Technology
- Miniature Hacksaw
- Mono beam (range is only a couple of feet)
- Magnetic pulling and pushing abilities
- Iron suit which protects from heat and physical damage.
- Control panel located on the wrist of the suit.
Modern iron man Technology
- Hand repulsors and monobeam (no distance limit)
- Flares, Missiles, Rockets and Grenades
- High temperature cutting lasers
- Repulsor cannon
- Armor is controlled by brain waves and speech.
The advancements in modern technology means that the technology within the series must advance too.
The looks changed to match the technology that is implanted into the design of the suits.
Classic look:
The iron man armor was created around the time where super heroes were muscular.
Modern look:
Technology changed the looks to create a modern and more technological look.
- Better printing processes and technology allows better quality.
- The modern technology advances mean that the armor technology advances.
- The look of the armor changed to match the technology implanted.
- Modern times had an influence with the looks.