The Joy of the Lord!

Published on Oct 15, 2016

Nehemiah declared that “the joy of the Lord” is our strength—and he was right! With this joy flowing in us, we positively glow and grow. So, if you lose it, don’t be passive, fight to get it back. Here's how.


The Joy of the Lord!

(And How to Get It Back)

Tell me: Who doesn't want to be happy?

Happy is good. But it's based on chance

There is something better than happy

It's tapping into the endless joy of the Lord

This is the joy of childhood rediscovered

What are you waiting for? Jump right in!

The Joy of the Lord

For the joy of the Lord is your strength. Nehemiah 8:10

The Joy of the Lord

  • We can be joyful now and forever because
  • Our God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) over flows with joy

The Joy of the Lord

  • We can be joyful now and forever because
  • Our God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) over flows with joy

The Joy of the Lord

  • Our joy is based on:
  • 1) His overflow of joy
  • 2) Our faith ability to receive joy from Him
  • 3) Joy comes to us 3 ways:

The Joy of the Lord

  • Our joy is based on:
  • 1) His overflow of joy
  • 2) Our faith ability to receive joy from Him
  • 3) Joy comes to us 3 ways:

1) The Joy of His Blessings

At the works of your hands I sing for joy. Psalms 92:4

1) The Joy of His Blessings

  • You don't have to be a believer to get this!
  • We all get happy with life when good things drop in our laps

1) The Joy of His Blessings

  • You don't have to be a believer to get this!
  • We all get happy with life when good things drop in our laps

1) The Joy of His Blessings

  • Believers have the added joy of knowing that good things are a love gift
  • Trust & obedience also bring extra blessings

1) The Joy of His Blessings

  • Believers have the added joy of knowing that good things are a love gift
  • Trust & obedience also bring extra blessings

Recover this joy by counting the blessings you already have

2) The Joy of His Salvation

May we shout for joy over your salvation! Psalms 20

2) The Joy of His Salvation

  • This is the joy of seeing God come to your rescue
  • This joy leaps out of us when prayed for help arrives

2) The Joy of His Salvation

  • This is the joy of seeing God come to your rescue
  • This joy leaps out of us when prayed for help arrives

2) The Joy of His Salvation

  • The "mother lode" of this joy is His mercy
  • Rejoice daily that He saves you from hell & saves you for heaven

2) The Joy of His Salvation

  • The "mother lode" of this joy is His mercy
  • Rejoice daily that He saves you from hell & saves you for heaven

Recover this joy by holding fast to any one
of His promises

3) The Joy of His Presence

You make him glad with the joy of your presence. Psalms 21:6

3) The Joy of His Presence

  • This joy takes off once the others get you going
  • The joy of His blessings & His salvation make us grateful

3) The Joy of His Presence

  • This joy takes off once the others get you going
  • The joy of His blessings & His salvation make us grateful

3) The Joy of His Presence

  • We enter His gates with thanksgiving
  • Then we come into His presence with praise (for who He is)

3) The Joy of His Presence

  • We enter His gates with thanksgiving
  • Then we come into His presence with praise (for who He is)

Recover this joy by worshiping Him
for who He is

Bonus: The Joy of Jesus

Who for the joy set before Him endured the cross. Hebrews 12:2

The Joy of Jesus

  • Jesus ascended into the highest joy - by enduring the cross
  • He passed through sorrow to reach this joy

The Joy of Jesus

  • Jesus ascended into the highest joy - by enduring the cross
  • He passed through sorrow to reach this joy

Receive this joy by bearing your
crosses faithfully

Get free ebook:
"Living in the Spirit"
at forerunners4him

Get free ebook:
"Living in the Spirit"
at forerunners4him

May you (re)discover
the great good fun
of living in His joy!

And do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength. Nehemiah 8:10

Steve Evans

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