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The Karankawa Tribe

Published on Feb 22, 2018

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The Karankawa Tribe

By: Anya and Lily


  • We Karankawas ate things such as alligator, turtle, javelina, deer, turkey, fish, oyster, roots and other plants like blackberries
Photo by Paco CT

Region of Texas

  • We lived on the coastal bend area of Texas
  • We lived on San Antonio Bay, Corpus Christi, Galveston Island and other bordering areas of the gulf

Tools and Weapons

  • Fishing arrows made of thin rock
  • Many weapons made of flint rock
  • Traps made to catch fish
  • Bows and arrows
  • Long bows were made of red cedar


  • Cabaza De Vaca lived with us for two years and helped us with our medicine


  • We had conflicts with Texan settlers (1819)
  • The battle of Three Trees

The Battle of Three Trees

  • The Battle of Three Trees took place in 1819
  • This battle happened because one of our women was kidnapped by settlers and we fought a battle to try and get her back
  • We lost severly


  • Cabaza de Vaca was very skilled in medicine
  • He helped us get rid of our sicknesses


  • We used animal hide to make dresses and other clothes
  • We also used plants and bones for piercings jewelry and other accessorys


  • The Karankawa did not record any specific religion
  • When someone died they would hold a ceremony and mourn for them
  • The Karankawa spent lots of time with the Spanish and soon coverted to Catholisim


  • We lived in wigwams
  • It was made from willow pole and covered with animal skin
  • The floor was made of rush mats
  • The wigwam would hold 7 to 8 people

Tribal Roles and Government

  • Each band had it's own cheif
  • A band was a group of 30 to 40 people led by the chiefs
Photo by ARRRRT


  • We painted on ourselves with crushed berries and charcoal
  • We used bones and rocks as jewlery


  • We didn't trade much but when we did we traded leftover supplies with Indian tribes north of us
  • Conch shells and other seashells were traded for pigments like ocher, rugs, and buffalo robes


  • We used smoke signals for family events but also for war
  • Our language is called Karankawa only about one hundred words exist today


  • Our marriages were always arranged by our parents
  • We had many tattoos and piercings

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