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The Last olympian

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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The Last olympian

By: Rick Riordan        Presented by: Esther Launstein

Rachael Elizabeth Dare, Beginning quote.

  • Rachael is a mortal girl, but she can see through the "mist".
  • Quote: " She glanced at Blackjack, who was clopping his hooves against  
  • the hood of the prius. " So I guess you guys have to go save the world."
  • Pg. 10. This quote shows that in the beginning Rachael thought that the
  • idea of Gods was fascinating, but she didn't yet understand or care.

Untitled Slide

Rachael, Middle quote

  • Quote: " Oh, gods," she said. "That's what it means."
  • Pg. 212. This quote shows that Rachael is becoming
  • more aware of the responsibility she has, she is scared of it.
  • Character trate: Scared
  • She is 16. Her dad is rich.

Rachael, End quote

  • " I needed to understand my true sight."
  • Pg. 306. This quote shows that Rachael is 
  • fully aware of whats going on and she 
  • understands her life.
  • Character trait: Understanding


  • Word: Dionysus.
  • Definition: God of fertility and wine.
  • Other forms: None
  • Roman name: Bacchus
  • Quote: " Party time," Dionysus said." (Pg.266)

Voabulary part 2

  • Word: Typhon
  • Definition: Titan of wind and enemy of Olympus
  • Other forms: None
  • Other name: Typhos
  • Quote: "All the other gods are fighting Typhon." Pg.124

Vocab. part 3

  • Word: Omega
  • Definition: Last letter in the Greek alphabet.
  • Other forms: Omegas
  • Quote: "Each of its twin blades were shaped like
  • an Omega." Pg. 186

Theme #1

  • Sometimes it takes one small heroic deed do something big.
  • Quote: " Percy,  Beckendorf chose a heroic death. You bear no
  • blame for that." Pg. 39
  • This quote is showing that Beckendorf sacrificed his life for the sake
  • of others and he put the lives of others above his, and that is heroic.

Theme #2

  • Just because others don't respect you, doesn't mean you should disrespect
  • them as well. Forget about the past and hold on to the future.
  • Quote: "When's the last time Olympus ever helped me?
  • Why should I rush out and help them?" Pg. 125. This explains
  • that Hades is holding the gods to things they did in the past.

Theme #3

  • Even at the hardest pionts in our life we must look for positive
  • things to light our path.
  • Quote: "My heart felt like lead, but we tried to find positive things 
  • to say." Pg. 303. Explanation: This explains that even though many 
  • brave heroes were lost, there are still positive things to say.

Overall theme

  • "Believe you can, and you are half way there."
  • - Theodore Roosevelt
  • "Expect problems and eat them for breakfast."
  • Believing in yourself is the first step to greatness.
  • - Esther Launstein

point of view

  • In this book the author is telling the story as first person limited.
  • Quote: " I hoped that meant "sure I  do"! And not, "do you have more 
  • hotdogs"?" Pg. 166. I think this author is bias against people who believe
  • they are better than others, such as Kronos. Quote: " Come, bow before 
  • me." Pg.20. This shows Kronos thinking hes better than everyone.

The author is trying to entertain.


  • Who: Percy and all of the heroes from camp,
  • and Kronos' army. What:They are all fighting
  • to either defend or destroy Olympus.Where:
  • New York City mostly.When: Present time
  • Why: To save Olympus and the Gods.


  • Quote for setting: " I love New York. You can pop 
  • out of the Underworld in Central Park, hail a taxi, head 
  • down Fifth Avenue with a giant hellhound loping along
  • behind you, and nobody even looks at you funny."Pg.141
  • This "summarizes" and " interprets" the main setting. 


  • In this suspenseful thriller, Percy and all his friends from camp are in 
  • danger as well as all of the world. As Percy and his friends fight for 
  • their life in the battle of the last Olympian against Kronos and his army 
  • of monsters and backstabbing traitors from camp, they find its the small
  • things that make a big difference.

Also it "illustrates" New York.

Concluding slide

  • I recommend this book if you like humor and action.
  • Other books in the series: The Lightning Thief, The Sea of 
  • Monsters, The Titans Curse, and The Battle of the Labyrinth.
  • This book has not been made into a film and even if it was 
  • a film, it would be misleading and wrong. :) 

Concluding slide

  • I recommend this book if you like humor and action.
  • Other books in the series: The Lightning Thief, The Sea of 
  • Monsters, The Titans Curse, and The Battle of the Labyrinth.
  • This book has not been made into a film and even if it was 
  • a film it would be misleading and wrong. :)