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The Life Of Abraham Lincoln

Published on Nov 23, 2015

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The Life Of Abraham Lincoln

By: Aleigha Queen

Time Line

  • February 12, 1809-his birth
  • October 5, 1818-his mother passes away
  • December 2, 1819-Thomas Lincoln marries a widow, Sarah Bush Johnston
  • November 4, 1842-He marries Mary Todd

Time line continued

  • November 6,1850- Abraham Lincoln is elected as 16th U.S. president
  • April 14, 1865- He gets shot in the theater
  • April 15, 1865- He dies at 7:22 in the morning
  • April 26, 1865- john Wilkes booth is killed  
  • May 4, 1865- Abe lincoln is buried inOak Ridge Cemetery, outside Springfield, Illinois. 

Abraham Lincoln - "I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong."

I choose this quote because it describe how he acted since he did create the quote but it was very him.

fighting for freedom of others
even if he is held down by his own sorrows
many tomorrows counted on him
to lead the way to a new beginning
in the time that he had he worked away
some died for him some died against him
but it was the same.

I choose this poem because it describes him leading the way when he was president and over coming things it also talks about he civil war.

Begin with the end in mind-When elected president he knew he had to change things and free the slaves.

PUT FIRST THINGS FIRST- HE KNEW HE HAD TO Free the slaves and worry about the country.

Lincoln was very PROACTIVE. He signed the emancipation proclamation when there was no real pressure to do so and many were against it. He also petitioned congress to have the freed slaves returned to Africa or their original place of birth.


because when we think of abraham lincoln we think of his hat.

He was born in February in a cabin in Kentucky
In the year of 1809
His mom and dad and sister Sarah
Moved with him to Indiana
Looking for a better way of life

He learned how to read and write
By the fireplace at night
And he was growing taller every day
He was older than a boy
When they moved to Illinois
And everybody called him Honest Abe
Abraham, Abraham
The sixteenth president of our great land
Abraham, Abraham, Abraham, you’re our man

He became a lawyer man
He was a very moral man
He stood up for what he believed was right
He always said all men were equal
He respected all God’s people
Even if their skin was not so white

It was such a great event
When he became the president
He went to live in Washington, D.C.
To change the course of history
He put a stop to slavery
He ordered everyone to be set free