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The Life Of Solomon

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Solomons Family

Solomon's father was King David and his mother was Bathsheba.Solomon had eighteen brothers and he was not first in line for his father's throne.Solomon also had a sister named Tamar and a son named Rehoboam.


  • David was getting old in age.
  • Adonijah the fourth son of david declared himself as king since is older brothers,Amnon and Absalom,were dead.
  • Bathsheba convinced King David that Solomon should be king.
  • Adonijah asked to marry Abishag but Solomon said no and Adonijah was put to death.
  • Solomon was only 12 when he became king.


  • One night early in Solomon's reign,God told Solomon he would give him anything he wanted.
  • Solomon,young and humble told God he wanted wisdom.
  • God was pleased by Solomons choice and gave him wisdom like he asked.
  • Solomon was so wise that he became recognized by his peers and by kings from other countries.
  • Solomon wrote 3,000 Proverbs and 1,005 Songs.


  • One day two women came to Solomon.Each one had a baby.One baby died.
  • Know both women were claiming the living child to be theirs.
  • Solomon ordered that his servant cut the baby in half and give each woman a piece.
  • The real mother couldnt bear to see the child killed so she said to not kill him and give him to the other woman.
  • Solomon then knew that she was the real mother and said to give the child to her.Solomons wisdom was then known even more and his reputation spread throughout the kingdom.


  • Solomon built a temple.
  • It was 90 feet by 30 inches and was three stories high.
  • Solomon then had a feast in honor of the temple and invited the whole nation.
  • Solomon preached sermons and prayed prayers asking God to be with them.


  • Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines.
  • Most of his wives were foreigners.
  • It was because of his wives that Solomon turned away from God.
  • Solomon built idols for them and evened worshipped them to please his wives.
  • Because of this sin,the lord punished solomon by removing 10 of the 12 tribes from Israel.


  • Solomon was near the end of his life.
  • He was forced to fight with several enemies.
  • Solomon died somewhere around the age of 80.
  • When he died his son Rehoboam took over the throne.