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The Little Albert Experiment

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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The Little Albert Experiment

MaryJoyce ClaydenTabobondung

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  • conducted by behaviorist John B. Watson and graduate student Rosalie Raynor
  • Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov had conducted a similar experiment 
  • Watson wanted to prove that classical conditioning could work on people 

The Experiment

  • Subject: 9 month old named Albert.B
  • The child was expposed to a series of stimuli
  • white rat, a rabbit, a monkey, masks and burning newspapers
  • The boy showed no fear in any of these objects

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  • Exposed to the white rat again with a loud noise multiple times
  • When shown just the rat the boy would begin to show fear and cry

Classical Conditioning

  • classical conditioning is a learning process that occurs through associations 
  •  between an environmental stimulus and a naturally occurring stimulu
  • a fear response was conditioned in Little Albert


  • the experimental design and process was not carefully constructed
  •  The Little Albert experiment could not be conducted by today's standards because it would be unethical
  • Albert was not the "healthy" and "normal" child, he suffered from hydrocephalus since birth  
  • Could not find Albert years later after the experiment was conducted 

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