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The Lucky One

Published on Nov 21, 2015

A presentation on the book, The Lucky One written by Nicholas Sparks.


The Lucky One

By Nicholas Sparks


  • While on of 3 tours, Logan Thibult a Marine discovered a picture 
  • This mystery womans pictured kept him safe and alive
  • Afrter making it out alive vowed to thank this woman
  • They met on awkward terms
  • Ended up falling madly and deeply in love with eachother
After actually finding and meeting this woman who's picture kept him safe in war, Logan was at first rejected by Beth Green. Logan began working at the Greens Kennel, slowly getting closer and closer to Beth as well as her Nana and her son Ben. It was Logan's selfless acts of love that eventually won Beth over as well as the rest of her family.

Nicholas Sparks

Nichols is the Author of countless, romantic love stories that have turned in to extremely successful movie such as. A Walk to Remember, The Vow, The Last Song, Dear John, The Notebook and The Lucky One, just to name a few.

Nicholas Spark Books

  • Sparks is widely known for his countless fairtytail love story books
  • These indlude titels such as The Notebook, The Last Song, etc..
  • His books are such a large success.
  • Majority of his books are major motion pictures
Sparks large success is partly in thanks to the masses of adoring female audiences. Sparks novels are romantic and captivating love stories.
Photo by Amir Kuckovic

Key Features

  • Common themes between his books are happy endings
  • Sparks novels display fate bringing true lovers together'
  • His novels also give hope that true love can conquer all
In the novel, The Lucky One, Logan's deciisions to find the woman in the picture he found and following what fate was laid out for him. Resulting in falling deeply in love with Beth.
Photo by soonerpa


  • Frequent Flashbacks
  • Why charters are the way they are
Sparks frequent use of flashbacks in his writing do an excellent job at telling the reader why certain characters are the way they are. I find this helpful, because it gives you a personal insight and makes the writing more personable.
Photo by Ravages

Theme: Pathos

Sparks writing appeals heavily to pathos. His tea- jerking love stories have a way to make you want to curl up in bed and shed a far amount of tears in the process. personally, I love this style of writing because it's really personal and for a few moments you forget that what you read was just part of a book and not actually real life.

Language/ Vocab

appeals to emotions
Sparks use of language and vocab go hand in hand with his common theme of pathos. He uses words such as "soulmates" and "fate" to really emphasize his point and really pull the strings on our hearts.

How Many People Mary their True Love?

Out of a survey of 2,000 people, 73% stated that they settled and married their current partner because of fear that they will never truly have a soul mate or are unable of being with that soul mate. A slim 27% said that they married their true love.
Photo by Lel4nd

Do love novels come true?

The love novels like Sparks write often time give women unrealistic expectations about love. As well as it gives men a certain quota to meet to be considered "the perfect gentlemen".