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The MAPOE is Orlando,Florida

Published on Nov 06, 2015

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In My Opinion Orlando, Florida it not an awesome place it is an AMAZING PLACE.

Destination Information about Mapoe

  • How far from school is it in miles?
  • 763.53 miles away
  • What latitude and longitude coordinate points of your MAPOE?
  • Latitude: 577.07 Longitude: 175.89

More destination information

  • What continent is it on?
  • North America
  • In what hemisphere?
  • Northern Hemisphere

If I ever have the chance to go to Orlando

  • The first thing I will do is go to Disney World.
  • I would go to Disney World because in commercial I have seen that a lot of people have gone there and I also saw people having fun.
  • Its just like the kind of commercial about toys or food.

The next day, I would love to go to one of the beaches in Orlando. I hear that the water is clear, warm, and fun to swim in.

Photo by micaht2000

the mall

  • The reason I will go to the mall is because all of my friends have gone to the Orlando Mall, and told me that they have amazing clothes, shoes, and food courts.
  • They also told me that it is very expensive :)

Next, I will go to one of Orlando's lakes. Did you know: In Orlando there is more than 100 lakes and they all measure 80 feet. BTW I love fishing.

Photo by Chris Gent

Orlando its not just a place that has Disney World, Beaches, and Lakes. It also has a Water Parks. Wet' n Wild was the fist water park build. I would love to go to the first water park ever. :)

Photo by Daniel Dreier

Orlando its not just a place that has Disney World, Beaches, and Lakes. It also has a Water Parks. In my opinion Wet'n Wild its not amazing its extraordinary.

Photo by Daniel Dreier

mapoe cost

  • If I go to Disney World all 7 tickets will cost $3,897
  • Going to Wet' n Wild will cost me $195 in all.
  • Going to the beach and lake won't cost me anything that I think.
  • I also was planning to go to the zoo now, if I go to the zoo it will cost me $70.85
  • :)

mapoe cost

  • If I go to Disney World all 7 tickets will cost $3,897
  • Going to Wet' n Wild will cost me $195 in all.
  • Going to the beach and lake won't cost me anything that I think.
  • I also was planning to go to the zoo now, if I go to the zoo it will cost me $70.85
  • Can you guys how many money I have to bring in total,
  • Or the estimate?

Historical facts about Orlando, FLORIDA

  • Before Orlando had its current name, it was called "Jernigan" .
  • In October 1, 1971 Disney

Historical facts about Orlando, FLORIDA

  • Before Orlando had its current name, it was called "Jernigan" .
  • In October 1, 1971 Disney World was open.
  • Did you know that Orlando, Florida is the Home of the Hurricanes
  • I bet you guys already knew that.
  • ;)

Orlando is not just home of the Hurricanes it is also home of more than100 lakes.

Photo by Ganamex

In the1850's Orlando was called the "Mosquito county, it was not bad it was horrible.

Photo by treegrow

In 1977 Wet' n Wild water park was opened. Orlando was also home of the first water park.

Put music on.

Orlando is not awesome, or amazing, it's fantastic.

For this summer if I were you I would go to Orlando, Florida.Thanks for watching and listening.

If you want to learn more facts about Orlando here is a website you can visit:http://www.visitorlando.com/">http://www.visitorlando.com/


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