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The Maze Runner

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Photo by jcmhunting



Photo by Nesster

Thomas began his life in the dark. He didn't know where he was and he didn't know who he was. He was pulled up by people who lived in the Glade, just children. He began his new life with no memory. Nothing to look back at. He is introduced as the new kid. The Greenbean. He creates friends and enemies. Thomas met Gally, Newt, Chuck, and Alby. He didn't know about anyone else but Chuck was definitely a friend and so was Newt and Alby.


Photo by Jeff Hester

Thomas slowly comes to the terms that the Glade is a maze. Then his new world gets shaken up again, by the entrance of a new kid. A girl. A rare occurrence in the Glade. Teresa seemed to know so much more than anyone else, and he knew that Teresa was special to him. The main problem for Thomas was figuring out how to get out of the Glade and how to not get stung by the Grievers.

Photo by simononly

Slowly new problems start arising. Like how to figure out the Maps and what is it about the changing that makes it so special?

Photo by Ame Otoko


Photo by titi-


He's the main character and protagonist. He has no memory of his past life and no idea how he got where he is. Thomas also has a past connection with Teresa.

Photo by VinothChandar


Teresa is the first girl in the Glade and is a message from the creators. Thomas and Teresa have a telepathic relationship.

Photo by VinothChandar


When the book starts out Alby is the leader of the Glade. Alby is important because he realizes who Thomas is when he goes through the "changing".

Photo by kevin dooley


Newt is the second in command. He slowly becomes friends with Thomas. When Alby gets sick and dies Newt is the one who takes charge.

Photo by Mactitioner


He is the Keeper of the Runners. Minho first meets Thomas when he gets injured and Thomas helped him. He helps Thomas when he becomes a runner.


He is the first friend Thomas makes at the Glade. Chuck likes playing pranks on people.

Photo by Jonas Hansel


He is like the antagonist of the story. Gally is a bully and he like Alby saw Thomas when he went through the changing. Gally was thought to be dead but was later found as working with the WICKED. Gally is the person who kills Chuck.

Photo by zzclef


Grievers can be thought of as antagonist because they cause problems for the Thomas. They are huge creatures that sting you. Then you need a serum that makes you go through the changing. The changing is something that helps you bring back some of your memories.


Ben was the first person who Thomas saw get banished. He went through the changing and then when he saw Thomas, Ben attacked him.

Photo by CoenV


Photo by Karen Roe


"He felt an icy terror brewing in his heart, expanding like a tumor..."

Photo by andres.thor


“A twisted, pale figure writhing in agony, chest bare and hideous. Tight, rigid cords of sickly green veins webbed across the boy’s body and limbs, like ropes under his skin. Purplish bruises covered the kid, red hives, bloody scratches. His bloodshot eyes bulged, darting back and forth.”

Photo by SiroGraphy


"With another jolt, the room jerked upward like an old lift in a mine shaft."

Photo by Glen Bowman


“They disappeared inside, pulling it shut behind them with a loud clonk.”

Photo by mendhak


Photo by wbeem

The Maze

This is a symbol of a barrier. The Maze is something that is unsolvable and it's something that's standing in front of the way to freedom.

Photo by sickmouthy

The Sun

This is a symbol for hope because once the Sun was gone everyone started losing hope.

Photo by VinothChandar

The Griever Hole

This is another symbol of hope, but it's also a symbol of freedom. The Griever Hole gives you hope that there's freedom from the Maze.

Photo by Franco Folini


Photo by salerie

Man vs. Man

Throughout the book there is man vs. man conflict. Thomas, the main character and Gally one of the antagonists have not friendly feelings toward each other from the beginning of the book. They had many fights both physical and verbal.

Man vs. Self

Also from the beginning of the book there is man vs. self conflict. This is with Thomas and every other person in the Glade. Everyone got their memories wiped and the only thing they know is their first name.They are fighting with themselves to come to terms with everything, and figure out who they are.


The first lesson we learned from The Maze Runner was that you couldn't let one failure bring you down. We felt like that was the whole point of the Runners, and even Thomas. No matter how much disappointment there was Thomas kept on trying to figure out a way to escape from The Maze.

Another theme was that you need to have some kind of order in life. Newt talked about how Thomas disrupted the order of things and he did, but they still had some kind of order. Order helps create discipline and keeps everything working like clockwork. Even when things are messed up everyone needs some kind of order.