“In futurism and science fiction, the metaverse is a hypothetical iteration of the Internet as a single, universal and immersive virtual world...facilitated using virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) headsets."
“The term Metaverse is used to describe a combination of the virtual reality and mixed reality worlds accessed through a browser or headset, which allows people to have real time interactions and experiences across distance.”
The idea of a certain centralized virtual place, which exists parallel to the physical world.
“A digital world, in the sense of many interconnected places, which is accessible through immersive, body focused devices, following the purpose of connecting people and creating spaces while mixing reality with this named digital world.”
hardware . software . portability . interoperability
- assault on the person
- battery of the person
- trespass to land
- nuisance (interfere in the use/enjoyment of 'land')
- intention
- threat/abuse/insult
- word/behaviour/comm
- harassment/alarm/distress
- identity info/"related person"
Unlawful Stalking
- surveillance/following
- communication to/from
- entering/loitering in "place frequented by p/rp
- interfering with property in possession of p/rp
"Personation" and Personality
- cheating by personation by pretending to be another, even an imaginary person (s416 PC)
- illegally obtained personal information (s.416A PC, PDPA)
Non-Fungible Tokens
- digital content in a blockchain
- "property"? Janesh s/o Rajkumar v Chefpierre (unknown p) 2022 SGHC 264
- digital concerts, shows, etc.?