The Miracle Book

Published on Sep 18, 2016

The Bible is a book of miracles. That’s our first stop, though it's far from being the main reason why the Bible is a miracle book. Still, it's worth remembering that the miraculous runs through the pages of scripture like streams flowing through fertile valleys.


The Miracle Book

Fascinating Facts about the Bible

The Bible is indeed
a book of miracles

But there's far more to it than that

Let's look at 5 tremendous "miracles"

1st Miracle

The Miracles in the Book

Miracles in the Book

  • Everyone knows that miracles fill the Bible
  • This presents obstacles to belief for some

Miracles in the Book

  • Everyone knows that miracles fill the Bible
  • This presents obstacles to belief for some

Miracles in the Book

  • But maybe God wants us to know that He is a miracle worker
  • Any god who truly is God would be super-natural

Miracles in the Book

  • But maybe God wants us to know that He is a miracle worker
  • Any god who truly is God would be super-natural

2nd Miracle

The Miracle of the Book

Miracle of the Book

  • It survives & thrives
  • The Bible has survived massive attempts to eradicate it & faith in it

Miracle of the Book

  • It survives & thrives
  • The Bible has survived massive attempts to eradicate it & faith in it

Miracle of the Book

  • Yet it remains the #1 seller of all times
  • 100 million are printed each year
  • 6 billion are in print today

Miracle of the Book

  • Yet it remains the #1 seller of all times
  • 100 million are printed each year
  • 6 billion are in print today

3rd Miracle

Miracle of the Text

Miracle of the Text

  • The text of the Bible is amazingly reliable
  • It's history is supported by external histories and archaeology

Miracle of the Text

  • The text of the Bible is amazingly reliable
  • It's history is supported by external histories and archaeology

Miracle of the Text

  • There are thousands more manuscripts of it than any other ancient book
  • All in close agreement with each other

Miracle of the Text

  • There are thousands more manuscripts of it than any other ancient book
  • All in close agreement with each other

4th Miracle

It's Effect on the World

Effect on the World

  • It reformed manners, morals and architecture
  • Bible believing Christians overturned slavery world-wide

Effect on the World

  • It reformed manners, morals and architecture
  • Bible believing Christians overturned slavery world-wide

Effect on the World

  • It gave birth to science and the universities
  • Personal, economic & political liberty trace back to Christian roots

Effect on the World

  • It gave birth to science and the universities
  • Personal, economic & political liberty trace back to Christian roots

5th Miracle

It's Effect on Individuals

Effect on Individuals

  • Billions have been set free from sin, disease and the fear of death
  • Billions know God intimately & personally

Effect on Individuals

  • Billions have been set free from sin, disease and the fear of death
  • Billions know God intimately & personally

Effect on Individuals

  • This is the easiest miracle of all to prove
  • Just ask Jesus into your heart and begin reading the Bible!

Effect on Individuals

  • This is the easiest miracle of all to prove
  • Just ask Jesus into your heart and begin reading the Bible!

Such a Book
deserves to be studied

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Bon Appetit!

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Steve Evans

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