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The Moray Eel

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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  • Introduction
  • A moray eels habitat
  • Hunting
  • Identifying a moray eel
  • Closing
Photo by dachalan

Did you know that a moray eel will twist itself into a knot after eating large prey? In this presentation, you will learn other things about the moray eel like how it lives alone in dark places,how it surprises its prey by hiding,how a moray eel looks and feels,and much, much more!

Photo by jpotisch

The moray eel tends to live in warm, shallow waters. For example, some moray eels live by the coast of Hawaii. Moray eels can also live in the Golf Islands, the Bahamas, or parts of Asia. Moray eels live alone, even if they have already mated. They will live in a crack in a rock or a crack in a coral reef. To hunt (see below), moray eels are camouflaged to hide from predetors and their prey. Their skin tends to be brightly colored or zebra striped, or even polka-dotted. Because it keeps its mouth open to breathe, the inside of its mouth is sometimes camouflaged too. This helps the moray eel to catch its prey more easily.

Photo by mattk1979

The moray eel is a carnivore, or an animal that eats meat. When hunting, a moray eel will hide in camoflaughed places so to surprise their prey.When its prey swims by, it will reach out of its hiding place and grab its meal with its sharp, powerful jaws. A moray eel will usually eat soft fish, such as fish, squid and octopus.A moray eel will swallow its prey whole. Because of this,it will twist itself into a tight knot after eating large prey to break up the bones of its meal so to digest easily, almost like a snake.

Photo by microwalrus

A moray eel looks like a snake in the water,but it is actually fish. They are long,thin and sometimes slimy.You can identify a moray eel by its sharp teeth.When a moray eel shows its teeth to you, it could mean two things:
(1. You may have disturbed it.
(2. It could just be breathing.(See paragraph one)
You can always identify the moray eel by its thin, snake like body and its sharp teeth. A moray eels body is usually slimy because it is covered in slime called mucus.

Photo by bryce_edwards

I think that the moray eel is really cool! (Even though If they can be scary.) Moray eels live in warm water,(as you know,) will eat gross prey, & looks like a giant snake. I think moray eels are one of the the coolest water animals, but you don't have to agree.
Thanks for listening!:);)

Photo by laszlo-photo

In the next few pages are some cool pictures of moray eels:

Photo by Ezra S F

Untitled Slide

Photo by Mal B

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Photo by coda

Can you see the moray eel in this picture?

Photo by fishgirl7

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Photo by Ignati