The Motives of Imperialism

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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The Motives of Imperialism

What is Imperialism

  • When one country expands their rule and control over other "weaker" countries or territories.
Photo by cod_gabriel

What motivates countries to become Imperial Powers

Political Motives

  • Countries wanted more territories for more control over the world and more places for their military
Photo by barryskeates

Economic Motives

  • Imperial governments sought ways to maximize profit by using new colonial territories to extract resources and cheap labor
Photo by chacka²


  • Nations believed their country was superior to other countries. More territory= Greater nation

Social Darwinism

  • European nations had the belief that their "civilized" race and culture, through "natural selection" was superior to the other "uncivilized" peoples of the world


  • Many nations justified their take over of weaker countries in order to bring christianity to new populations
Photo by Peter Ras

Alexander Bailey

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