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The Nazi Hunters

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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The Nazi Hunters

Photo by Za Rodinu

About the book

Genre: Historical, Nonfiction, WWII, Young Adult

Publisher: Arthur A. Levine Books
Publication Date: August 2013
Hardcover: 256 Pages
Photo by Takeshi Kawai

About the author

Neal Bascomb (born 1971) is an American journalist and author. He graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Miami University with a B.A. in Economics and English Literature . After graduation, he worked as a journalist in London, Paris, and Dublin. He was an editor for St. Martin's Press, and in 2000, he began writing books full-time. His books have ranked on a number of bestseller lists, been optioned for film, and been published in over 15 countries.


Simon Wiesenthal opened Eichmann's case about why during Germany's final solution during World War 2 he flees to Argentina. He is found 16 years later by a group of elite spies and is later questioned. And this whole story shows why he did it and what they would do to find out.
Photo by jcubic


Taking risks the theme of the book because Adolf Eichmann escapes Germany during an important time of World War 2 and and isn't found until 16 years later. Now he needs to face the consequences of what is going to happen next. He knows the risks and in this book takes you through the journey of why he did what he did.
Photo by VinothChandar


I would rate this book 5 of 5 stars because it rarely got boring and it always got me thinking what would happen next since this book is a spy book.
Photo by Nanagyei


I would recommend this book to 8th grade and up. Some of the material in this book can be disturbing because it is during the time of the Holocaust. This book would be great for people who likes historical nonfiction and people who wants to learn more about the Holocaust and what they did to people.


Photo by anne arnould