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The New Gas Station

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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The New Gas Station

By Team #6

The construction of a gas station in University Av. is considered a danger by the people living near.

Photo by rutlo

The Social Look On It

  • It is a danger to the neighborhoods close to the site.
  • There isn't much distance between houses and the construction site.
  • There are plenty of schools and even a daycare near the site.
  • It represents a big risk for everyone. 
Photo by TonyTapia

The Economics Look On It

  • It would be in a good location.
  • University Av. is a comercial avenue.
  • There aren't any others gas stations near by.
  • So it would gain lots of money.
Photo by rvacapinta

The Politics Look On It

  • It would help the cities economy.
  • It would be a good inversion.
Photo by Aquarela 08

The individual causes this by being the one coming up with the idea and the responsible. It is affected by being the people living near the construction site or the students who are near.

Photo by Aquarela 08

Society causes this by needing a gas station in an avenue that is usually full of cars. It is affected by being the neighbours of Real University.

Photo by jeffk

The Family is affected by living in Real Universidad and being the parents of the students that go to the neighbouring schools.

Photo by Aquarela 08

The government causes this by signing the permits and asking for allowance to built this gas station. It can be affected by a loss of popularity and respect among the peple, resulting on a radical change of politicians in the next elections.

Photo by chocogato