The New Way to Stop Foreclosures With Out Using An Attorney!

Published on Nov 07, 2017

Hello, My name is Guy Neighbors I’ have helped clients stop their foreclosures using unconventional strategies and a combination of powerful legal documents that address financial issues attorneys will not address in court. You will be outraged at the level of fraud involved in your mortgage loan! What if I was to tell you the bank never made you any loan, and the money for the loan they claim they made to you was generated with your very own signature? I know that sounds like a crazy question but I have more, did you know the fact the bank accepted your signature on the lien against your property is proof that you owned the property free and clear for a very short period of time before you signed it over to them as collateral for a loan that was generated with your signature. Foreclosure Options: Conventional Foreclosure Defense is total B.S. because the only option attorneys offer is a “Loan Modification” and during this process you are forced to expose yourself to the bank. Then you are denied the loan modification because the documents you provided to the bank showed them you have more debt going out than income coming in. The bank now has verification that you may never get caught up on the mortgage and they refuse to even take your calls.


The New Way To Stop Foreclosures With Out An Attorney!

Hello, My name is Coach Neighbors
We have helped clients stop their foreclosures using unconventional Coaching

strategies and a combination of powerful legal documents that address financial issues attorneys will not address in court.

You will be outraged at the level of fraud involved in your mortgage loan!

What if I was to tell you the bank never made you a loan, and the money for the loan they claim they made to you was generated with your own signature?

Photo by SD Dirk

I know that sounds like a crazy statement but I have more, did you know the fact the bank accepted your signature on the lien against your property

Photo by skpy

is proof that you owned the property free and clear for a very short period of time before you signed it over to them as collateral for a loan that was generated with your signature.

Photo by skpy

Conventional Foreclosure Defense is total B.S. Because the only option attorneys offer is a “Loan Modification” and during this process you are forced to expose yourself to the bank.

Photo by dgrinbergs

Then you are denied for the loan modification because your financial records you provided to the bank revealed you have more debt going out than income

Photo by Daniel Arauz

coming in. Now the bank has verification that you may never get caught up on the mortgage.

Photo by sgroi

In This Training we will teach you how to turn the tables on the attorney and hold him/her liable for the fraud in your foreclosure.

You will be challenged to learn new ideas that will discredit what you have been taught to date. Our strategies are different from what attorneys do, and must be followed to

Photo by eltpics

the letter to be successful in getting your foreclosure stopped.

Photo by eltpics

But before we dive into all the good stuff, I' just want to take a second to check in with you to see where you are at.

Photo by Asaf R

Do you wake up in the morning with that sick to your stomach feeling you get when you worry about your family becoming homeless?

Do you secretly wonder if today will be the day the Sheriff Deputy will show up and escort your family out of the house?

Photo by cisc1970

Is the stress of the foreclosure affecting your marriage and other family relationships?

Photo by Ed Yourdon

Do you secretly worry that time is running out and if you don’t do something now, you might lose everything?

Photo by Nik Shuliahin

If any of that sounds like you, I have good news none of those things are the real problem they are just symptoms.

Photo by Peder Skou

The real problem is you have been using conventional and outdated foreclosure defense strategies that

Photo by 401(K) 2013

force the homeowners to expose themselves financially. Once the bank has the homeowners income records the loan modification is denied because the income record

Photo by Steve Rhodes

show more debt going out than income coming in.

The real problem is you are not using our New
Unconventional Strategies that include the Triple Threat Foreclosure Defense Document Package.

We will talk about what that is in just a second. Right now know this once you use our unconventional strategies you be able to get the foreclosure stopped

You will finally be able to get back to doing what matters in your life like spending time with those you love like you did before this nightmare began.

You will have complete control over the foreclosure situation and the stress on your marriage will melt away.

Photo by Haley Powers

You will not have to make anymore mortgage payments and you will have the tools and knowledge to avoid feeling helpless in the future.

Photo by Haley Powers

Now before we go too much further let me take 2 seconds to introduce myself so you will know who I’ am and why you should listen to me.

Photo by kate.gardiner

My Name is Guy Neighbors and I'm known as the foreclosure Coach we have helped dozens of homeowners stop foreclosures without the help of an attorney.

Photo by kate.gardiner

I specialize in helping homeowners stop foreclosures all over the United States.

Photo by kate.gardiner

Let me take a second to tell you how I discovered the un-conventional strategies we use in our defense package.

Photo by kate.gardiner

I have been drafting foreclosure defense documents for
5-years. I have learned over time what works best for people who have never filed anything in court before.

Photo by kate.gardiner

I learned what issues to address in the foreclosure court to win, how to effectively get those issues on the court record and my clients immediately started getting their foreclosures stopped.

Photo by kate.gardiner

My experience and expertise helped me come up with the unconventional strategies and the triple threat foreclosure defense package we use.

Photo by kate.gardiner

What if I told you the money for the loan the bank claims they made to you was generated with your own signature.

Photo by Don Hankins

You owned your property free and clear when the bank accepted your signature on the lien against the property.

Photo by Don Hankins

Think about it, the fact the bank accepted your signature on the lien to your property is proof that you owned the property free and clear.

Photo by Don Hankins

The old way to fight foreclosure sucks

Photo by Don Hankins

because attorneys never hold each other accountable and they never use strategies that will stop the foreclosure.

Photo by Don Hankins

The new way to stop foreclosures is to use Federal Laws to force the bank to turn over specific accounting records

that will prove that your alleged loan was always an asset to the bank.

Our Brilliant Stop Foreclosure Training program establishes pre-eminence delivers massive value and blows away the banks Attorneys.

Our Stop Foreclosure Training Program stopped the last 4 foreclosures from the attorneys offices. The Judge was never asked to rule on the matter.

You Are Not Alone!

Photo by Markfive

Today I promise to help you learn how to stop your foreclosure in a meaningful amount of time without an attorney even if that sounds like a ridiculous statement right now.

Photo by Markfive

You will learn how to take complete control of your foreclosure even if you have never filed anything in court before.

Photo by Markfive

Here is what we will cover in our webinar training program

Photo by Markfive

You will learn conventional foreclosure defense is B. S. and why. We will teach how to get admissible evidence on the court record

Photo by Markfive

and you will learn the offensive litigation strategies you need To Stop The Foreclosure.

Photo by Markfive

We will teach you how to turn the tables on the attorneys and use the documents they filed against you as evidence in your favor.

Photo by Markfive

Now You Have a Choice, You can forget all about the information I just shared with you and keep on struggling each morning with that sick feeling in your stomach worrying about the foreclosure.

Photo by Markfive

Or if you want to get your foreclosure stopped, if you want to own your home without anymore mortgage payments than here is what I have for you.

Whatever your biggest challenges are we've seen it, and we know how to overcome it.

Photo by Nik MacMillan

If you are ready to stop your foreclosure we will get on the phone with you, and in this session, we will work with you to craft a step by step game plan to get your foreclosure shut down.

Photo by Riaan Myburgh

1st go to and fill out the Break Through Session Application Form then call me to secure your position in line.

This offer is not for everybody I only work with homeowners who are willing to take massive action to succeed without being paralyzed by fear.

I work with people who understand the value of the outcome my training program will have when we teach you how to stop the foreclosure against your property.

Photo by *vlad*

In This Google Review you can see the sale date was canceled from the Attorney's office with out a Judge Ruling on the matter.

This Google Review shows We helped this client save several of her rental properties from foreclosure scams the attorneys used.

Advocates for Justice Paralegal Services+

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