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The Noble Gases

Published on Nov 25, 2017

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The Noble Gases

Rebecca Penninger 

What Elements Are Included In This Group?

  • Helium
  • Neon
  • Argon
  • Krypton
  • Xenon
  • Radon

What's Cool About The Noble Gases?

  • Helium was the first to be discovered on the sun.
  • They are extremly rare in nature.
  • They do not react with other elements.

How Are They Used In The Real World?

  • Argon is used in light bulbs
  • Krypton and Xenon are used in lighthouses
  • Helium is used to keep balloons and blimps up in the air and make them float.


Photo by fdecomite

krypton has orange and green spectral lines but is colorless

Photo by cobalt123


  • Atomic mass - 83.798
  • Atomic number - 36
  • nonmetal
  • density - 2155 kgm-3

- used in photographic flash units
- lighthouses
- uses electric current to produce a very bright light

Interesting Facts

  • Krypton is colorless
  • it was discovered in 1898
  • it has no bilogical role

historical facts

  • it was discovered by a scientist and his student
  • comes from the greek word "Kryptos" meaning "hidden"