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The North Pacific Gyre

Published on Dec 28, 2015

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Created by: Erin K. and Alex D.

Background Information
The North Pacific Gyre is a collection of debris in the middle of the North Pacific Ocean. It's formed by four ocean currents that collect garbage from western United Staes to Japan, and from Hawaii to California. The North Pacific Gyre can also be known as The Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Oceanographers and ecologist found that most of the garbage sinks down to the bottom of the ocean. The garbage patch is made up from tiny pieces of plastic called microplastics. This means its hard to see the garbage patch with the naked eye, but the patch still makes the water look as if it was a cloudy soup. Charles Moore was the one who actually found the garbage patch, while he was sailing over the North Pacific Gyre.

The North Pacific ocean is filled with tiny pieces of plastic, and these pieces give off toxins. This can be very dangerous because the fish and mammals that people eat can be contaminated by the toxins. This makes people ingest the horrible toxins. Some toxins can lead to cancer, immune system problems, birth defects, or childhood developement issues. Most of the toxins in plastics come from mercury, lead, and cadmium.

Are there any positives?
Basically no, there are no positives. Why? It is because the North Pacific Gyre is all created out of trash and thats it. I knowtrash has been a major problem in the ocean but this is beyond out of control. All the trash is not good at all for the animals nor water. The aquatic life can't survive with plastic bags around their bodies just waiting to eventually kill them. Also glass or aluminum could totally hurt them and cut them in major ways and the amount of plastic that the animals eat that think are their food can kill them in a matter of time. And for the water all the grease floats up to the top of the water and that is also very dangerous for the animals, so no there are no positive outcomes of the North Pacific Gyre.

What are we gaining?
What we are gaining for the North Pacific Gyre is strength to get this trash away and over with. Also we are gaining people from the community and all around to help set up a plan to remove all the trash because it is honestly disgusting and a tragedy to see that our country just dumps waste into the oceans. We are also gaining respect from other countries because they are seeing what we are trying to do to fix and take out all the garbage to save our aquatic life and more.

The North Pacific Gyre is collecting debris from many places around the world. Such as from California to Hawaii and from Japan to the western United States. The garbage in this area is causing serious health uses for humans because of the toxins
that the plastics give off. The gyre is also affecting the marine life that lives near by because they often mistake the debris as their food or even get caught up in the trash and drown. Mostly the people who live around the area are involved, but also the creatures in the sea.

Did You Know?
That it would take 67 ships one year to clean up less than one percent of the North Pacific Ocean.