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The Odyssey

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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  • Odysseyus and his men are on
  • their journey and the people from
  • the south eastern coast of Thrace
  • battle him


  • Ody and his men stop at the island
  • And some of his men eat the lotus


  • Ody and his men are trapped in
  • a cave with a cyclops. Cyclops
  • is slowly eating his men. Ody
  • comes up with a plan and
  • intoxicates the Cyclops and they hide under his sheep and get onto their ship


  • Aeolus, God of winds, gives Ody a bag
  • of wind to help him get home. Ody's
  • crew disobeys his orders and open
  • the bag

The Laestrygonians are huge cannibals that destroy every ship in their eye sight. Odysseyus and his men are the only ones to get away

Island of Circe
Odysseyus and his men are told their fate

Land of the Dead
Odysseyus goes here to get his prophecy from Teiresias.

Island of Circe
Odysseyus receives a message about his future obstacles.

Photo by A .

Odysseyus and his men put beeswax in their ears so they can't hear the beautiful singing voice. The crew ties Odysseus to a pole so he can be the only man to hear the sirens and survive.

Photo by jikatu

Charybdis and Scylla
Odysseus has to make a choice to sail past Charybdis or Scylla. He chooses Scylla, the 6 headed monster instead of the whirlpool so only 6 men die instead of all.

Photo by flikr

Sun God (Helios)
Odysseus and his mans stop at the land of the Sun God. Odysseus tells his men not to kill the sacred cattle but they do not listen and do it anyway. Helios punishes them and kills them all.

Photo by VinothChandar

Calypso's Island
Odysseus stays here for 7 years. Hermes interrupts and told Odysseus he needed to leave.

Photo by gelle.dk

The Land of the Phaecians
Odysseus is found by the daughter of Alscinoas. They have a banquet and that is when Odysseus says "I am Larites son."