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The Odyssey Character Development (CG)

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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and his travels

The Lotus-Eaters

When Odysseus lands on the Lotus-Eaters land, a few men are sent out to go scout the land. The Lotus-Eaters offer the scouts some lotus and they accept it. But when the scouts eat the lotus, they do not want to leave the island so Odysseus has to force them to come home.

Polyphemus the Cyclops

After the Lotus-Eaters, Odysseus and his crew come upon another island. Odysseus and some of his men go ashore to meet the people that live there. They enter Polyphemus' cave and when Polyphemus gets home, he traps the men in his cave to keep for dinner. Odysseus comes up with a plan to save the rest of his men and they get out of the cave alive.

Aeolus and the Winds

After Odysseus escapes from the cyclops, he reaches the land of Aeolus. There, he receives a bag of wind from Aeolus. Odysseus holds the bag open so that him and his crew can reach Ithaca faster but when Ithaca is in sight, Odysseus falls asleep. His men then open the bag of winds thinking that Odysseus was hiding riches from them and all of the wind come out and blow their ship back to Aeolus' island.

The Laistrygonians

After Odysseus' men left Aeolus' island, they came upon the Laistrygonians' island. There, all of the ships but Odysseus' sailed into a a harbor with steep cliffs. Some of the men got off of their ships to go meet the locals. As they met the leader, Antiphates, saw them, he attacked them. The survivors started running towards the ships where they were staked and eaten. None of the ships got out of the harbor.

Circe's Island

After Odysseus sailed away from the laistrygonians, he came to the island of Circe. There, he sent half of his crew to go scout and only one of them came back to tell Odysseus that they were all turned into men with pig heads. As Odysseus was going to get them back, Hermes came to him and told Odysseus how to defeat her. Odysseus was able to get his men back safely.

The Kingdom of the Dead

While Odysseus is at Circe's Island, she tells him that he will have to go to hades to talk to Teiresias. She told Odysseus how to get to hades and how to call Teiresias. Odysseus then left for hades where he talked to Teiresias, and his mother.


As Odysseus sails for home, Circe tells him that he will have to sail past the island of sirens. Odysseus has his men fill their ears with wax to prevent the sound from affecting them. But Odysseus wants to hear the sirens so he has his men tie him to the boat while they go past. Their he hears a song that was personalized just for him.


Circe also warns Odysseus about Scylla, the six headed monster. As the ship goes by she will take six of his men to eat. Circe tells Odysseus not to fight her because then Scylla will attack the whole ship instead of taking only six men. Even though he was warned, Odysseus still gets his armor and sword while they go by.


Odysseus also learns of Charybdis from Circe. He learns that Charybdis is a monster that creates a whirlpool to suck the ship in where she will eat them all. He is warned to stay away from the whirlpool so that he won't have to fight it. Charybdis did get their ship but Odysseus was spit back out where he held on to a piece of wood.

Calypso's Island

Soon Odysseus lands on Calypso's island where he she gives him food and clothing. She loves him and was going to make him immortal so that he could stay with her forever. But then the gods intervened and calypso was told to help him get home to Ithaca.