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The Odyssey Timeline

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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The Cicones
Odysseus and his men go to the shore for supplies. They raid a town and take women and children captive. Odysseus's men want to stay on land rather than leave. The hostages then go get the soldiers of Cicone Island. Odysseus and his men then get attacked, and they leave with 6 benches empty on each ship.

Lotus Eaters
Odysseus was curious about land in which the. Lotus Eaters lived. The Lotus Eaters had these flowering plants, or the lotus plant. The people who eat the lotus, don't want to go home, they want to stay in the land of the lotus forever. Odysseus had 3 of his men eat the lotus, and they have to be tied to the ship.

Photo by tomo908us

Odysseus was curious about the cyclopes and wanted to see if the cyclopes were real. Odysseus took his men to the land of the cyclopes. They found a cave and went inside. Polyphemus, a cyclops, lives in the cave Odysseus found. The cyclops feasts on Odysseus's men. Odysseus makes an olive tree into a spike and stabs Polyphemus in the eye. Polyphemus has sheep and Odysseus ties his men to them. Odysseus and his men ride the sheep out of Polyphemus's cave. Odysseus rounds up the sheep and puts them on his ship.

Photo by Leo Reynolds

Island of Aeolus
Aeolus, god of the winds, gives a bag of bad wind to Odysseus to help him get home safely. His crew disobey his orders and open the bag.

Laestygonians are gigantic canibals. They destroy ships and eat whole crews of men.

Island of Circe
At the Island of Circe, a goddess, named Circe, lived there. When Odysseus and his men go to the Island of Circe, and they were walking in the woods. They seen in the woods, wolves and mountain lions would watch the men, but wouldn't attack. Odysseus and his men find Circe's house, they first listen, by the gate of her house. They hear the goddess inside, for she was singing. Odysseus asks his men if they wanted to greet the goddess. Odysseus and his men call out to her, and Circe came to the door. All of the men, except for Eurylochus, we're brought into her house. Inside they sat on thrones, and ate great food.

Photo by Claudio.Ar

Land of the Dead
In the land of the dead, Odysseus seeks to learn his destiny. The source of his information is Teiresias, a famous blind prophet from the city of Thebes, whom is dead. Circe had to tell Odysseus exactly what he had to do in order to raise Teiresias, from the dead.

Circe's Island
Odysseus receives warnings about what he is about to face.

Photo by gnuckx

The Sirens
The sirens are women, who sing beautiful music. Anyone who hears the song of the sirens, will want to go towards the music. But, when they get there they will get killed.

Photo by Keithius

Scylla and Charybdis
Scylla is a monstrous beast who feast on men. She has 6 heads and 12 tentacle like arms. Charybdis is a beast who lurks below the ocean. She creates whirlpools that kill many.

Photo by drubuntu

Sun God (Helios)
The sun god, otherwise known as Lord Helios, lives on an island, known as Thrinakia. Odysseus doesn't want his men to land, but his men want to land. Odysseus makes his men swear they won't touch the cattle of the sun god. Odysseus's men disobey him and kill the cattle. The men are killed because of their actions.

Photo by VinothChandar

Calypso's Island
Odysseus goes to Calypso's Island after almost drowning. Calypso loves Odysseus, and believes that. Odysseus will forget about his family, and stay with her. But the gods/his men make him leave.

Photo by nicadlr

The Land of the Phaecians
The Land of the Phaeacians is the last place Odysseus visits before returning home. The princess of Phaeacians developed a crush on Odysseus. The king of Phaeacians gives Odysseus a magic ship on which he can sail home in.

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