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The Oragan  Trail

Published on Nov 24, 2015

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The Organ  Trail (Pancreas)

BY: Salma Meki & A'nylia Watts
Photo by crackdog

The Pancreas is in the Digestive system.The main function is to help digestion.

In the digestive system you can find the mouth,throat,esophagus,stomach, and the small and large intestine.

Photo by ex_magician

The main function of the system is to turn food into energy for your body.

Photo by Finger Food

The pancreas works with two other functions, the Endocrine and Digestive.

With the endocrine system the pancreas supports the hormones in blood glucose.
And with the digestive system it produces and releases secretions.

The pancreas can be affected by Pancrestits,Cystic Fibrosis, and Pancreatic Cancer.

Pancrestits is when your pancreas has inflammation,this happens when the digestive enzymes start digesting the pancreas
Cystic Fibrosis is when sticky thick mucus blocks tubes to the pancreas.
Pancreatic Cancer is when you smoke, have long term diabetes,or a hereditary disorders.

A person can live without a pancreas, but they must take daily pills or injections that have special enzymes for the rest of their lives.