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The Other Wes Moore

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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The Other Wes Moore

English 11 Group Project

Group Members

Adrionna, Monica, Rickquel


Drugs played a big part in Inmate Wes's life. Him and his brother was introduced to drugs at a young age. however, Inmate Wes's brother wanted a better life for him. According to chapter 2, "Tony had started dealing drugs in those shadowy hallways of Murphy Homes before he was ten." Inmate Wes didn't listen to his brother he still started to sell drugs.
Photo by kevin dooley


Family was a huge part of Author Wes's life. At a young age Wes loss his father to a illness. After he died it toke a toll on his whole family. according to chapter 2, "My father was dead five hours after having been released from the hospital with the simple instruction to 'get some sleep'." His dead really hurt Author Wes.


I chose the word puzzled because it also describes them being confused about there situations in this book. In chapter 5 Author Wes is going through a lot with his new school. He's sent off into military school and has mixed feelings about the situation. He says "How could she send me away? How could she force me into a military school before I was even a teenager? When she dropped me off the first day, I was in full ice grille mode, lip curled, eyes squinting, with my “screw the world” face on, ready for battle—but inside I was bewildered. I felt betrayed. I felt more alone than ever."
Another is Inmate Wes's mother and there problem with the Wes having drugs in chapter 4. She first doesn't want to believe he's doing it and she trying not to accept that he's doing it. Like when Tony try's to tell on Wes, “Wes is out here hustling! I told him to leave this alone, but he won’t listen!” Tony yelled back. “No he isn't, he is making the money DJing,” Mary said. And then when she saw evidence, She felt like she’d been punched in the stomach. She sat down on the bed, unsure of what to think.
Photo by olgaberrios


I thought this would go perfect with Author, and Inmate Wes's decisions then had to make for the future of their lives. Like when Author Wes spent time with his Uncle and it really made him reconsider what he would do in his life. Wes's Uncle says,“But it is important that you understand that the chances are not in your favor, and you have to have some backup plans.”-"Think about it, man. It’s simple math.''
Also Inmate Wes's decision on how hes going to make a decision to get more money for his family. It says he placed the package he’d picked up on the table, sat down, and put his head in his hands. The pressure was breaking Wes down. Alicia complained that he was not giving her enough money to provide for the kids they shared. His mother needed more money because she was raising both Wes’s and Tony’s kids. Wes banged his fists against the top of his head as his elbows rested on the kitchen table.Tears welled in Wes’s eyes but never fell. He’d realized long ago that crying does no good.

Photo by @boetter


I used the world military to describe author Wes because it was a big part of his life. Joining the military for author Wes changed his life a lot. Before his mom sent him to military school he was not going good. Even during military school he became sergeant. After he became good and was getting college letters from different places.


Using the work risk because of both Wes. The picture I used is a graffiti wall that says risk because author Wes would still graffiti on walls knowing there's a chance of getting caught. Risk relating to inmate Wes is when he is selling drugs knowing he had a big chance of getting caught. "It was a risk, and Wes knew it." pg. 113. The point that inmate Wes knew it was a risk to sell drugs to someone who he hasn't seen around or not using the right slang words. But he didn't care about that, he cared about the money. So that made inmate Wes get caught by a cop for selling drugs to him.
Photo by anarchosyn

Work Cited

Moore, Wes. "Making Territory." The Other Wes Moore. 69. Print.
Moore, Wes. "Hunter." The Other Wes Moore. 109. Print.
Moore, Wes. The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fates. New York: Spiegel & Grau, 2010. Print.