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The Outer Solar System

Published on Oct 06, 2017

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The Outer Solar System

Nadia Davis


  • Named for the king of gods in Roman mythology.
  • 318 times the mass of Earth and over 1,300 times Earth's volume.
  • Takes about 12 Earth years to orbit around the Sun.
  • There is no solid surface at all in Jupiter.


  • Second largest planet in the solar system.
  • 755 times Earth's volume.
  • Least dense planet in our solar system, less dense than water.
  • Voyager 1 went to Saturn in 1980 and Voyager 2 came in 1981.
  • Saturn's rings are made of water, ice and a little bit of dust.
Photo by bark


  • Is tilted on it's side causing to roll along in it's orbit.
  • 27 moons have been discovered around Uranus.
  • The methane causes the cloud to be a blue-green color
  • Named after the Greek god of the sky.


  • Named for the Greek god of the sea, because of it's blue appearance.
  • The most distant planet in our solar system.
  • Discovered in 1846, exactly where scientists predicted it be.
  • Winds can reach up to 1,000 kilometers per hour.

Dwarf Planets

  • Have not cleared smaller objects in it's orbit.
  • Does not have as much mass or gravity as regular planets.
  • Haumea is not completely spherical, it shaped more like an oval, and looks like an egg.


  • Small, icy objects that have an eliptical path around the Sun.
  • Their orbits carry them from the outer solar system to the inner solar system.
  • Comet tails form as the comet flies close to the Sun and outer layers of ice melt and a glowing figure is formed.

Kuiper Belt

  • Home to Pluto, Makemake, Haumea.
  • Has ice objects made up of methane, nitrogen, ammonia and water.