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The Outsiders: Chapters 9-12, R-Z

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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R- Rumble
The greasers won the rumble for all rumbles. Greasers versus socs, and they won. But Ponyboy doesn't know if it was the right thing to do. After Randy saying he's not going to the fight and listening to Johnny say rumbles and fighting were useless on his death bed, pony boy becomes confused. All the gang wants for Ponyboy is to stay gold and after the fight, Ponyboy's friends are worried.

S- Soda Pop
Two ropes have been tied to his wrist. One named dally on one side. On the other side the rope is named pony boy. Soda pop is in the middle of a tug of war between his brothers. When dally and pony boy enter an argument about pony boys school work soda snaps. Seeing sodas seams, dally and pony boy realize what there been inadvertently doing to him and each other. They were family drifting apart but soda pop pulled them back together.

T- Theme
Pony boys seen and been through a lot. Bob, Johnny, and dally all dieting in front of him knocked and his soul. Rusting gold. After that his motivation slowed a bit, grades dropped, actually threatening to use a weapon against socs, focus hazed. His English teacher knows all this and sees his grades drop. So he assigned pony to write a theme so pony could still pass. Still in his emotional pit, pony ignores the assignment. Until it hits him. Writing his story of the past few days, pony immortalizes Johnny and Bob. Knowing this begins his ascent out of the dark place he fell in.

U- Unarmed
Dally gave up. He knew what would happen if the police saw he was carrying a heater and a very troubled record. Dally just couldn't see Johnny die. Probably better this way, so Johnny didn't have to see his hero take the cowards way out. If only dally followed Johnny's set example for dying, dying from selfless actions. If only dally was unarmed the police could have detained him before they shot him. But this is the reality pony boy was thrown into .

V- Vain
Johnny lived questioning suicide ever since that scaring jump that changed his life. A cowards way out, dying in vain. Dally lived every moment he could, especially if it evolved his beloved trouble. Two different people. Johnny dies knowing he saved lives, lives that Would do greater things than he did, lives he saved from selfless actions inside the burning church. Johnny didn't die in vain. Dally couldn't handle watching the life fleet from Johnny's earth bound body. Dally then goes on a crime spree on pulls out a gun while being chased by police. In the slow moments of Dallas's raging thoughts he knew exactly what he was doing. His life was over so he pulled an unloaded gun on police.
And they shot him, indirect suicide, a cowards way out. Dally, ironically, died in vain.

W- Warfare
There's not many gang fights in pony boy's area. But there is the division between social classes. Constant warfare between the upper class socs and the lower class greasers and pony boy. Although pony boy knows he and his friends can't win the war they still fight the battles.

X- Xanadu
We forge who we are. Were we are. But were all born in the perfect world. Our gold chips away. Fear and anger fill its place for some. Others create more, looking at the world still as a beautiful place, just knowing there's a hidden side to it, one that removes happiness. Pony boy lets his gold fall away, just letting this action harden him. But when he finds his theme to write about, he begins to follow path to a beautiful place.

Y- Yearn
Dally couldn't take the fact that the one person he cared about was dead. He yearned for his best friend Johnny. He was the sole link holding Dallas to the ground. With that link evaporated dally starts to rage to inevitably crash. Himself being killed.

Z- Zany
Ponyboy and the greasers are all a little zany before the rumble. Making fun of socs, doing cartwheels and flips.little did they know what was ahead. But hey have the right idea, live a little, have some fun. Even if dangerous tasks lie ahead.