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The Outsiders I-Q

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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I is for Intelligent

When pony boy killed the soc they didn't know where to go. They were forced to think fast without the cops knowing where they were going to go. The boys were smart learners and had been through enough to figure out what can happen if they get caught. Without this characteristic, the greasers wouldn't of got out of the scene fast enough before police arrived.

Photo by Bo47

J is for Johnny.
Johnny is the pet of the gang. Nobody messes with him because of this. Dallas doesn't care about anybody besides him. The gang is more of a family to Johnny than his parents are.

K is for Knowledge
All the members of the gang besides pony boy have knowledge. They all know what's going on for example, when the Curtis's parents died they knew they were broke.

Photo by RLHyde

L is for Lonely
When pony boy and Johnny run away from home Johnny feels alone. He's misses home and especially his brothers and cigarettes. Most of all he misses his parents.

Photo by VinothChandar

M is for Mystery
As the greasers kill Bob, it was at first a mystery on who did it. The cops took in Dally as a person of interest due to his criminal record. After Pony boy and Johnny ran away and the church set on fire, it was also a mystery.

N is for Nobody's
People who were greasers were nobody's compared to the socs. Johnny knew he wasn't a big deal. Also, because his parents constantly reminded him that he was a nobody. This is why nobody messes with Johnny.

O is for On-The-Run
As greasers they were constantly getting in trouble. Johnny and pony boy were terribly scared of cops after they killed the soc and running away from home. They had to make a new way of life by living in a church always on the run.

P is for Pony Boy
Pony boy is the youngest out of him and his 2 brothers. He is also the youngest of the greasers. His pride and joy is his tough hair that took a long time to look like it is now.

Q is for I.Q.
Pony boy is the smartest out of his 3 brothers. He is the most intelligent out of the greasers gang. He had a high I.Q for his age and is the only one still in school.