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The Outsiders R-Z

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Photo by VinothChandar

R is for rumble
Rumbles are what the greasers got in a lot. They got in a rumble with the Socs and won the fight! Even though so many of the greasers got hurt.

S is for Sodapop
Sodapop is 17, with a Mr. Personality and backs that up with lots of heart. Like his brother Darrel, he's fashion-plate handsome, and since he's a Curtis, he's smart, athletic, and hard working, to boot

T is for Two-Bit
Two-Bit is the jokester of the gang, and he's also one of the oldest (18j). He talks a lot and usually has a smart comment to everything, no matter who he's talking to. Two-Bit keeps everyone laughing throughout the story, which makes hard situations easier to get through.

U is for unfeeling. Unfeeling means dead, or lack of sensitivity. Throughout the story two people die; Dally and Johnny pass away. They end up in an unfeeling situation.

V is for vague
Being vague is a character trait the Ponyboy seemingly has. Throughout the story and things he does he really is uncertain of the outcomes. When they ran from the police he didn't picture a big punishment. When Ponyboy helped in a rumble he was vague to how hurt he would get.

W is for Westside
The Westside is where the Socs lived. That's where all the rich people lived. On the Westside there were fancy cars and big houses, just plain rich things.

X is for

Y is for young
Everyone in he greaser gang is pretty young. When Dally and Johnny pass away, the gang realizes they didn't get to live their full life. Both of the boys were very young when they're lives ended.

Z is for zero
Zero is a word Ponyboy used to explain his feelings toward the end of the book. Socs were coming at him and said he felt nothing; he didn't feel scared or mad... Ponyboy felt zero.