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The power of beliefs

Published on Nov 22, 2015

Henry Ford famously said that whether you believe you can or whether you believe you can't you're always right so you had better believe you can if you want to succeed in life.


The Power of Beliefs

Photo by aglet

"Your beliefs become your thoughts

Your thoughts become your words

Your words become your actions

Your actions become your habits

Your habits become your values

Your values become your destiny"

We all have certain beliefs

Photo by VinothChandar

I may believe, for example that I am good at painting and drawing but not very good at sport, that I'm good at cooking but not very musical ... and so on.

However, the beliefs we hold are not necessarily 'true' - they are in fact a 'filter' through which we experience the world.

Photo by 55Laney69

We all have our own personal 'filters' (both good and not so good).

Photo by Claudio.Ar

Beliefs therefore, may be positive but they can also be negative.

Photo by blavandmaster

Positive beliefs are empowering - they help us achieve our potential.

Photo by @Doug88888

Negative beliefs are disempowering - they hold us back, limiting our chances of do well in life.

Roger Bannister became the first athlete to run a sub-four minute mile (May, 1954).

Photo by CassAnaya

Many people at the time thought it was impossible for a athlete to run a mile in under four minutes but not Bannister ... what was the difference between Bannister and those doubters?

Photo by sashafatcat

Maybe Bannister simply believed it was possible ... moreover, he believed in himself. He believed he could run a sub-four minute mile.

Photo by duncan

"If your mind can conceive it, and your heart can believe it, you can achieve it."

Jesse Jackson

Photo by pchgorman

The language we use often reflects our beliefs - statements such as "I can ..." or "I can't ..." give a clear indication of a person's belief system.

Photo by kugel

Negative statements that represent limiting beliefs include statements like "I can't stand it ... it's intolerable ... it's unbearable."

Positive statements that represent empowering beliefs will include statements such as "I can bear this ... this is tolerable ... I can do this."

Photo by 55Laney69

Statements that are negative are often dogmatic, rigid and inflexible - they hold us back, offer no way forward, and as such, are of little help to us.

Positive statements that encourage empowering beliefs create options, show us a way forward and are, therefore helpful to us.

Photo by jenny downing

"Its lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and I believe in myself."

Muhammad Ali

Significant experiences during the formative years of our lives can have a huge influence on the formation of our beliefs -both limiting and empowering.

Photo by Jeff Kubina

We may be told, for example that we are stupid, clumsy or unreliable ... or that we are kind, patient and loving.

Photo by victor_nuno

Either way, our beliefs are not 'fixed' or 'set in stone' although that can often appear so.

Photo by kabils

"You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them."

Michael Jordan

Someone might say with absolute certainty that they cannot dance or sing, cannot do maths or they can't control their tempter or their appetite.

Photo by victor_nuno

These statements aren't 'true' - they're just stories we tell ourselves. These stories however, like any good story can be remarkably convincing and believable.

Photo by Pilottage

We may think therefore that any limiting beliefs we have would be difficult if not impossible to change ...

Photo by Yogendra174

... but this is simply not the case. Limiting beliefs can be changed (it may take some effort but they can be changed). In fact, you have already changed a number of beliefs

Photo by Claudio.Ar

Your life, as Jim Rohn said, does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.

Photo by angela7dreams

You no longer believe in Father Christmas, the Tooth Fairy or the Easter Bunny for example (or is that just me?)

Photo by elbfoto

Other beliefs you may have like, for example "I can't sing" or "I'll never lose weight" can also be changed ...

... you might just need a little bit of help that's all ... someone to show you how.

If you would like to know more than please get in contact.

Photo by Olof S

James Woodworth
Thrive Consultant

Photo by ecstaticist

The Thrive Programme

Photo by blmiers2