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Most of us are always struggling with the feeling of annoyance or anger when we receive disagreement from someone about our opinions. It's because our paradigm and others are different from one another. And that may cause conflict and constrains us from achieving the best relationships which you can leverage to achieve your success.
Therefore, this presentation will go through Paradigm - how we perceive the world around us and what effect this has on our own personal development as well as the importance of a paradigm shift and how to apply these concepts in overcoming obstacles and improving communication.
So first of all, what's the paradigm?

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The power of paradigm

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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The power of paradigm

Most of us are always struggling with the feeling of annoyance or anger when we receive disagreement from someone about our opinions. It's because our paradigm and others are different from one another. And that may cause conflict and constrains us from achieving the best relationships which you can leverage to achieve your success.
Therefore, this presentation will go through Paradigm - how we perceive the world around us and what effect this has on our own personal development as well as the importance of a paradigm shift and how to apply these concepts in overcoming obstacles and improving communication.
So first of all, what's the paradigm?

Photo by Elron6900

Territory - Map

  • The way we think about reality is not reality
  • We operate from a "Map" of reality that must be flawed
  • A map is distorted, limited and symbolic
  • Reality is dynamic
  • Reality is ever changing and infinitely complex
Territory: Complex - Infinite - Dynamic - Changing - Indefinable - Defies Categorization - Intricate
These represent our own values, experiences, prejudices, opinions, attitudes and behaviors.
We need our maps to understand & navigate the undeniable world. They're extremely useful. But they're unable to fully describe reality.
The map isn't the territory. It’s an explanation of certain aspects of the territory.
Therefore what we understand as reality, isn't. We call this map a PARADIGM.
The way we think and act is based on these mental paradigms – our behaviors and attitudes stem from our paradigms.
It doesn't mean that we should discard our maps, we can never truly understand reality. It means we need to be aware that how we see the world is subjective and purely a matter of perspective. Maps can be redrawn.
In order to do this, it requires what we call a paradigm shift.
Photo by Rantz

- Breaking with traditional ways of thinking (old paradigm)
- Seeing the composite picture in a completely different way
- Gaining a new perspective

If we each have different maps that only communicate certain aspects of reality, then that perception can change and flip and this what we call a PARADIGM SHIFT. This is a powerful change in the way we see the world. It has been called the light bulb moment or the “aha!” moment, where suddenly you see something in a new light and it changes the way you approach it. Have you every been struggling with something for so long and then suddenly something clicks and it all makes sense? This is a paradigm shift. The more bound someone is by the initial perception, the more powerful the “aha” moment. Ding! Got it!
A paradigm shift can also be an slow process of discovery, of learning and educating yourself, your expanding discovery of the world and its joys and its challenges. Redrawing the map to take into account more of the territory. It changes your map, and changes your way of thinking.
So we’re going to have a look at one of these shifts. Simple optical illusion.
Photo by Philippe 2009

Paradigm can shift like obstacle illusions

What do you see when you look at this picture? How many faces do you see? There’s at least 10 in there.
Paradigm shift! Hatching and realizing the whole world isn't the inside of an egg.
Suddenly it seems so obvious!
This is all very good but what does it mean?
If we accept that the way we see the world is indeed changeable, malleable and not always what it seems at first glance. how do we apply this? How do we use this understanding to improve our lives?


  • Constantly seeking self-improvement through changing attitudes and behaviors
  • Attitude and behavior changes are superficial unless accompanied by a paradigm shift
  • Need to understand and re-position the map so as to understand why making these changes
Everyday we should always wake up with a mission to improve our lives, we try eat certain foods, treat people in a certain way, overcome problems and improve relationships (in business or at work). All of these habits all stem from our paradigm – how we see the world. To make a lasting change towards happiness and success, we need to take a longer look at our paradigm and change the foundation of our changing habits and behaviors.

Thoreau once said that “for every thousand hacking away at the leaves of evil, there is one hacking at the root” – get down to the WHY the reason you want to improve and change. That is the difference between principle & practice.


Principles are natural laws that form the basis of long lasting happiness & success
Photo by JohRo2012


Practices are specific actions tailored to circumstance.
Photo by rosmary

When principles are internalized into practices, they empower people to create a wide variety of practices to deal with different situations.

So a universal principle is to “seek first to understand, then be understood”, no matter where you are, who you're with, your superior, or subordinate, this principle will guide you. Besides, you could say in a specific situation “try & understand him”, in this scenario it would be beneficial to understand that person.
Equally, “do unto others what you'd have done unto you”, in a specific situation would be “be nice to her”. Be fair and honest could translate as “share with us” or “don’t lie”, but if you keep trying to find the right practice for a specific situation, it isn't true or natural.
The practice can exist without the principle, but if the principle is there then the practice will happen naturally. If you can change your paradigm to truly observe these natural principles, then the actions will come easily. Short-cutting your personal development by trying to skip straight to the practice without the principle won't work! But once these principles can be internalized into practices, they can empower us to create the appropriate practices to deal with different situations.
Ex: raising a second child is never like raising the first! But if you hold the same universal principles of love, understanding and compassion then you have the basis to create a wide variety of practices to deal with all the different challenges raising a child brings. Think about how this is applicable in different aspects of your life.
In particular, I’m going to show you how it is applicable in problem solving and in communication.

The way we see the problem IS the problem.
Ask yourself:
Why is this a problem?
Have I investigated all the perspectives?
How else can I approach the situation?

We all inevitably encounter problems, obstacles and frustrations in our daily life, either at work, with our family or with our friends. But the way we learn and grow is not just through what the world throws at us, but how we react to it.
Remember the optical illusions, where one second you thought it was one thing, then another? Or another face comes out? Another perspective appears?
Look at your obstacles and problems like this, keep looking, find a new way to see the problem and conquer it!
When life becomes overwhelming, changing your paradigm and perspective is a lot more effective.
There’s no point running away, or trying to pretend it doesn't exist, or finding new problems.
When confronted with a problem, do not wish for the problem to disappear but find a new way to approach it. Get to the root.
If you have strong principles, then the problem will be much easier solved than if you've been applying specific practices. Learning specific practices will not have prepared you for this moment. Don’t just change your behavior, superficial changes will have superficial results. Change your whole paradigm.
No matter how much we see, there is still so much to the picture.
What about trying to overcome obstacles with others?


Do you ever feel like you’re speaking in different colors?
How many issues have stemmed from communication and that feeling of WHY DO THEY NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT I’M SAYING?! Why don’t they GET IT?
It can be frustrating when you feel like the other person is on a completely different page from you, but this is exactly what I’m talking about. They just have their own paradigm.

- Recognize that fact
- Attempt to see from the other’s perspective
- Be open to change your own
- Reconciliation of 2 perspectives

So to overcome the communication issue, the first thing both people have to do is RECOGNIZE this as a problem – but also the solution.
Next, try break your own paradigm a little and try see from their perspective, open up and be willing to change.
If both parties do this, and one is speaking in green, and one in blue, it may be a case of one person making a massive paradigm shift to the other, or more likely, a incremental shift to turquoise, an in between. Reconciliation of the 2 perspectives by each shaping their judgment accordingly.