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The power of the four R's

Published on Nov 23, 2015

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THE Four R's

PREPARE to be Amazed

What are the four R's

The fours are reduce, reuse,recycle,and rot


Reducing means to have a limit to things that you need in the first place

Examples of reducing

  • Cars uses a lot of energy and has a lot of pollution which comes from oil.
  • People can turn of the lights by saving energy.
  • Water can also be saved by turning off the faucet after brushing you teeth.


Reusing is to use something again and again 
Photo by urban don

Examples of reusing

  • Cans can be used for new creations
  • Paper can be used as airplanes
  • In 1997 the aluminum industry paid $1.03 billion to recyclers
  • Making aluminum cans from recycled aluminum takes 95% less energy than making cans from virgin ore
Photo by Chris_Parfitt


Recycling is converting waste

Example of recycling

  • Throwing paper in the right bin
  • 15-year-old trees to produce 700 grocery bags
  • 900,000,000 trees  cut down  each year
Photo by Turinboy

Why am I telling you this?

People are throwing away garbage on the ground and not picking it up.

Lets help our world

We need to clean up the trash from the ground to the sea
Photo by martinak15

Our Earth,our world

We like the Earth a lot and were going to like it better 
Photo by rishibando

Is It helpful for you to use one of the four R'S?

Together we can save the world

Let's use the four R's everyday
Photo by kevin dooley

Thanks for listening

Good Bye