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The Problem of Senioritis

Published on Sep 03, 2016

Students are estimated to spend approximately 15,000 hours in school from Kindergarten through 12th grade; it's no wonder they're tired of "playing school" by the time they're one year away from graduating.

But what problems can arise from giving in to Senioritis, and what can we do to attack it and make Senior year meaningful?


How many hours have you spent "doing school"?

"15,000 Hours"
The Problem of Senioritis


  • Compulsive laziness
  • Declining effort & attendance
  • Drooping grades
  • Exponential increase in sweat pants
  • Exaggerated eye-rolling & sighing
Photo by Claus Rebler

Example problem:
Researchers found that it takes just 5% of the group to influence a crowd's direction--and the rest of the herd will follow without thinking.

Photo by jaci XIII

Misconception #1:
"I've got nothing to lose!"

Misconception #1: "I've got nothing to lose!"

  • "The damage ranged from $1,000 per year to over $3,000 per year in merit aid."
Photo by aresauburn™

Misconception #2: "I'm already accepted!"

  • "If a student gets into a highly selective college, then drops from an A to a C or D average spring semester, that college will seriously reconsider if that student is prepared for college in the fall."
Photo by Lenny Flank

Click to Edit

"22 percent of colleges...revoked an admission offer."
Source: NACAC Admission Trends Survey, 2009

Misconception #3:
"I've earned a year off!"

Photo by nchslibrary

Misconception #3: "I've earned a year off!"

  • From the couch to the Super Bowl?
Photo by Aris.Sanchez

"According to the National Survey of Student Engagement’s findings, the average student spends about 17 hours each week preparing for classes... [including] homework, reading and any other assignments."

Photo by TaylorB90

Senioritis Solutions

  • What if you had a say in what and how you learned this year?
  • Collaborate: 3 problems and 3 solutions
Photo by skippyjon

One example:
"The happy secret to better work" (starts @ 5:08)