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The Pursuit Of Happiness

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By Floria Takos 8A
Photo by torbakhopper

How will a personal guide bring me happiness and how will it give a purpose to my life?

Photo by -Reji

Happiness is a sensational feeling of joy. It is living your life to the fullest. Being happy is knowing that you have a purpose in life.

Photo by nosha

The first step to being eternally happy is to find your own personal happiness. Personal happiness is something only you can do to make yourself happy. It could be smiling at a stranger or helping out a friend.

Photo by Jason Tessier

Here is my own personal guide that I will work on and follow in order to be eternally happy and to find a purpose.

Photo by joiseyshowaa

I will be using the keys to happiness and the beatitudes to help me with this guide.

Photo by H o l l y.

Keys to happiness

Exercising - take care of you body.

Not only do I need to take care of my body but also my mind. This can instantly improve my mood, boost my well-being and it will make me feel good and refreashed.

Photo by Maxwell GS


  • Making sure to get enough sleep
  • Going outside and enjoying the natural world
  • Unplugging from technology and taking a break
  • Finding a way to make exercising fun
Photo by Mark Fischer

Direction - Have goals to look forward to

Having goals is a way to stay on track and being organised to avoid stress. This can help in being happy because once these goals are achieved, I will feel a sense of accomplishment and purpose.

Photo by B Tal


  • Being positive but staying realistic
  • Writing down my dreams for the future
  • Figuring out what's important to me
  • Finding my true purpose
Photo by marfis75

Meaning - be
Part of something bigger

People who have meaning and purpose are happier and feel more in control. If I find meaning, I will feel less stress, anxiety and depression. Finding my meaning will help me figur myself out.

Photo by TaylorMiles


  • Taking care of the world around me
  • Getting in touch with my spiritual side
  • Figuring out what is important to me
  • Getting to know my neighbours better
Photo by -Reji

The Beatitudes

Photo by shellorz

Standing up for what is right

I must stand up for what i believe in even if it means making someone angry or upset. It might be hard but it is pleasing God.

Photo by Tim Geers

Happy are those who are really focused and craving for every event of their lives to be right; for they shall be fully supplied with right friends, Home, career and abundance.

Purity without sins

Unless my heart is pure, my life cannot be, no matter how much my actions and my words seem to suggest that I am a 'good' person. Being pure in heart means to be closer to god.

Photo by jenny downing

Happy are those who continually and honestly clean up their acts, for they shall experience all good in every area or their lives.

Photo by pixle


sacrifice that which shall not serve you in the future, even if it brings you joy today. Making a sacrifice will allow me to reach my goals faster and become closer to god, even if it is a difficult choice to make.

Making a sacrifice may sometimes entail losing friendships for the sake of what i believe in. It is worth ending ties with those who do not help me grow, for the sake of being true to myself.

Photo by Neo-grapher

If I follow through with this guide, I will become a much happier person, I will know my purpose and I will become closer to god.

Thank you for your time :)

Photo by .scribe