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The Quran vs The Bible

Published on Jun 13, 2019

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The Quran vs The Bible

Loren Fuller
Photo by tamara_cox1

Basic beliefs Of Islam

  • Believes in one powerful, and mighty God
  • God does punish those who do not follow his teachings, but he is also merciful.
  • They believe that God had one prophet, Muhammand to help teach people the way of the lord.
  • Judgement Day: The end of the world, the day God judges us and our sins.
Photo by Jonas Hansel

Basic Beliefs Of Christianity

  • There is only one mighty and powerful God, Holy Spirit, and Jesus
  • Jesus is the son of God and the last prophet
  • Jesus hung on the cross and was resurrected 3 days after
  • Judgement day, where God ends the world and judges us for our sins
Photo by Aaron Burden

Purpose of the Quran

  • To remind Muslims of the teachings of God and previous prophet Muhammand
  • To encourage Muslims to have greater faith in God and increase his righteousness
  • To heal the spirit and encourage social change
Photo by David Rodrigo

Purpose of the Bible

  • To show the everlasting relationship between man and God
  • To remind Christians of the teachings of the Lord
  • Increase faith in the Lord and live through his will
  • To heal and save Christian's salvation

The Literacy structure of the Quran is the use of different rhythms, stories, and phrases to live by in the Arabic language. The Quran is composed of the revelations of the angel Gabriel and Prophet Muhammad. There is no chronological order to the Quran and each section has it's own theme.

Photo by siraf72

The literacy structure of Bible is full of stories, lifestyle quotes (Psalms), encounters with the lord, and warnings of what's to come. The bible is composed of revelations of many different people who experienced the teachings of the lord and sayings of the lord. The stories teach lessons, Pslams are quotes that are good to live by and warnings of the Lord tell us of Judgement Day.

Photo by Rod Long

The Bible and Quran have more similarities than differences, but both were created off of different accounts of the Lord God. An effect of that is the small differences in their holy books and basic beliefs.