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The Rainbow Bridge

Published on Nov 19, 2015

Rainbow Bridge


The Rainbow Bridge

A Chumash Legend
Photo by JD Hancock

There was a boy named Limuw.

Photo by Rakesh JV

He loved to swim.

He swam with dolphins.

Photo by pmarkham

He listened to his grandfather's stories.

There was a sky snake.

It gave the Chumash fire.

Photo by marcp_dmoz

Sky snake was married to Hutash.

There were more and more people.

Photo by Gulfu

They grew noisy.

Photo by illuminaut

Hutash made a rainbow bridge.

Photo by haglundc

People crossed and some fell into the ocean.

Photo by Philip Leara

Some people turned into dolphins.

Photo by rbglasson

Limuw fell asleep dreaming of swimming with dolphins.

Photo by tokyosucks