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The reformation

Published on Dec 27, 2015

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The reformation

Ashley Castaneda
Photo by marcp_dmoz

reformation begins

  • 95 thesis
  • the clergys didnt know the basic things of the church
  • selling of indulgences by catholic church
  • not following the catholic church rules
  • the bible was written in latin so people cant understand it

origin of the lutheran church

  • martin luther created the church
  • church was created in 1521
  • luther was a catholic preist and scholor
  • taught scripture and theology 
  • Following the practice of naming a "heresy" after its leader

-Catholics believed that people earned salvation by following the teachings of and the practices of the church.
-Lutherans did not believe that people could do anything to earn their salvation.
-They believed salvation was GODS gift witch people received in faith.
-People would be justified , or saved if they sincerely believed in Jesus Christ , were sorry for the sins and accepted the words of the Bible as truth.

-Lutherans rejected traditional sources of religious authority, such as church councils and the pope.
-They believed that the Bible was the only true source of religious guidance.
-Reading the Bible was the only way to learn how to lead a good life and gain faith in GOD.
-Lutheran published the Bible in several languages so that people could read it for them for themselves.