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The Resistance

Published on Nov 19, 2015

Helen A.


The Resistance

Their want for escape has never been greater 
Photo by kIM DARam

Who was the resistance and what did they do?

Imagine you and your family have just been sent to one of many killing centers. You know that if you do nothing you will ether be put to work, be experimented on or killed, but if you are caught in an attempt at escape or riot you could be immediately killed. What will you do?

Photo by takomabibelot

the SITUATION, the people and the action

  • The situation
  • Who they were
  • What did they did

like sheep to the slaughter: The terrible situation

  • There was practically no hope left
  • Thousands of Jews were sent to killing centers
  • No one would be spared 
Photo by @notnixon

Peoples lives were on the line, which influenced their want to escape or not get caught by the Nazis.

Photo by Alan Weir

THE FIGHTERS: Who resisted

  • Jews, gypsies, and others who were trapped in killing centers   
  • Rebellious Nazis and Germans
  • Homosexuals looked down upon by the Nazis
Photo by MaestroBen

The Nazis spared no one. Those who managed an escape were far better than just lucky to be alive.

Photo by •Saif•

TAKEING THE ACTION: What did the resistance do

  • Some Jews and gypsies managed to make escapes
  • Most of those who resisted rioted 
  • Rebellious Germans hid some of the Jews that were hunted
Photo by Dazzie D

Most attempts of the resistance came successfully, but sadly a lot of the time those who tried escapes or resisted were killed.

Photo by Pete Doniec


This history is here to teach us a lesson that is to prevent us from repeating something like an other holocaust, but what if something like this ever happened again? Would you hide and/or face your doom....... or resist?

Photo by dickie pea


  • Dr Naftali, Brawer. "Resistance On A Limited Scale." Times, The (United Kingdom) (2013): 14. Newspaper Source. Web. 27 Feb. 2014.
  • Gottfried, Ted. "Those Who Fought Back." Martyrs To Madness (2000): 93. Book Collection Nonfiction: Middle School Edition. Web. 13 Feb. 2014
  • Jewish Virtual Library. American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise, n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2014. .
  • Holocaust Encyclopedia. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2014.