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This hammock sure looks inviting

The "Rest" of the Story

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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God offers His Rest
This hammock sure looks inviting
Photo by picturesquire

Rest Defined

  • His Rest
  • Cease from "own" labor"
  • A place to enter
  • For the "people of God"
  • Deliberate priority

God's rest vs. 1 - is a reality today

It is a promise within our reach for today

His rest - as God defines it

a command - 10 commandments - Sabbath

Invitation from Jesus Mt 11:28-30

emphasis on the stopping of laborious activity that leads to our bodies and spirits getting some time to rest vs. 10

a personal issue - from his "own labor" - what does rest look like for you?

(Illus. The Rest of God - p. 3)

Place to Enter - as the promised land was a location for Israel, it remains a real place for us today vs. 3

God's version of rest is found in a relationship with God

- lots of other options and definitions vs. 9 -
- for the people of God

A deliberate priority

- To ignore rest is to act disobediently

- Make every effort
- rest takes planning and practice apparently


Rest has a doorway
Photo by superdeath

Mix Properly

Gospel + Faith = REST
Promise still stands

Let's make sure we experience it

Hear the gospel - 1 Corinthians 15:1-8

Mix is the word picture - with a decision to trust God

some decided to enter

some decide not to enter
Photo by Dinner Series

Rest No Rest

Which way are you going?
Hear the gospel Hear the gospel


Trust in God Trust in yourself

Enter God's rest Rest remains "just out of reach"

valuable No value

value - realize the advantage rest is intended to provide, profit, are better off......to provide assistance, accomplish a goal, be useful

no value - flows out of disobedience, hard calloused heart, no entry ever.......

rest remains just out of reach

and the benefits of such are never enjoyed......
Photo by J_CMac

A Good Example

Helping us Stand
Resting is a good example vs. 11

One that is worth looking at carefully, first, with some focus.....

Example - the positive side an be described like this.......

- model to follow, a picture to use as a guide

(ilIus. in the context the model can be a good one that submits to God and stands, enters rest, etc, or does not submit to God and falls.....fall being interpreted in various ways)

- God "paints us a picture"

- We copy that picture

- Other's copy us

- They learn to stand instead of fall

(Illus. think about the last time you took a hard fall........)
Photo by Izzard

God's Word

The Foundation of Rest
The Word of God - mentioned again see vs. 3:7

The importance of knowing what God has to say

It provides the reason we can trust the promise of Rest


God's Word

  • Alive vs. dead
  • Working vs. dormant
  • Precise
  • Provides standards
  • Extends an invitation
vs. 12-13

Alive versus dead

Working/active vs. dormant

develops faith - It is always impacting us as Romans 10:17 reminds us

helpful for living - 2 Tim 3:16-17

confident that God is using His Word all the time to impact people

Precise - like a good filet knife......

clarifies issues

spiritual or physical

spoken or unspoken

Judges - discerns -

helps us make decisions

assists in making value judgments

Psalm 1 for example

Proverbs 5

Extends an invitation - see next slide
Photo by zAppledot

The Invitation

  • Hear the gospel by faith
  • Enter God's rest
  • Give a good word
  • God offers a vision.....
To hear the gospel by faith

Enter God's rest

Give a good word


He knows if we are resting vs. 13
Photo by zakwitnij

Michael Cadrette

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