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The revolution begins/ The Causes Of The French Revolution

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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The revolution begins/ The Causes Of The French Revolution

Photo by peterjr1961

Revolution Uprise

  • Started in 1789
  • Made a dramatic change all of Europe forever.
  • France wanted politicial change based on ideas of freedom and equality.
Photo by { pranav }

Causes of the French Revolution

  • France one of the most powerful countries in Europe.
  • Nobles - lived in great wealth - enjoyed many privileges
  • French Kings ruled with absolute power.
Photo by @Doug88888

French People

  • Were mostly poor
  • Had little education
  • struggled to make a living
Photo by kevin dooley

The Estates

  • 1st Estate - the Catholic clergy
  • did not pay taxes
  • received money from church lands
Photo by kevin dooley

The Estates

  • 2nd Estate - was the nobles
  • held highest posts in the military in government
  • paid no taxes
  • lived in luxury at king's country houses; surrounded with large areas of land.
Photo by kevin dooley

The Estates

  • 3rd Estate - Everyone else in France were in this estate
  • Bourgeoisie - the middle class, typically with reference to its perceived materialistic values or conventional attitudes.
Photo by @Doug88888

Member ranking

  • Bourgeoisie (merchants,bankers, doctors, teachers)
  • City Workers (artisans, day labors, servants)
  • Peasants

Percentage of estates

"Walking up a long hill . . . I was joined by a poor woman who complained of the times, and that it was a sad country; . . . she said her husband had but a morsel [small piece] of land, one cow, and a poor little horse, yet they had [42 lbs.] of wheat and three chickens to pay as rent to one [lord], and [4 lbs.] of oats, one chicken, and 1s. [a coin] to pay to another, besides very heavy tallies [land taxes] and other taxes."

—from Travels, by Arthur Young, 1789

Photo by rpavich