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The Ring of Fire

Published on Nov 26, 2015

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The Ring of Fire

By Andrew Alvarez, Augustine Guinto, and Marco Munoz

What is it?

  • The Ring of Fire (Circum-Pacific Belt) is a long belt where volcanic, tectonic, and earthquake activity occur.

Where is it?

  • The Ring of Fire is located in the Pacific Ocean.
  • Stretches for nearly 25,000 miles.
  • Passes through the west coast of North America, across the Bering Strait, and Japan.

How was it formed?

  • The Ring of Fire was formed by the direct result of plate tectonics and the movement or collision of plates in the boundary.
Photo by PeaElAre

Life in the Ring of Fire

  • Life is definitely challenging with disasters such as volcanoes and earthquakes occurring frequently.
  • Some positives for the people that live in the region is that it provides many valuable resources for farming and tapping into geothermal activity which can be used for heating and electricity.

Major Events

  • Alaska earthquake of 1964
  • Japanese earthquake of 2011
  • Eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991
  • Eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980

Consequences on Land and Society

  • One major consequence about living in the place that we live is that it is located near the San Andreas fault which gives us earthquakes.
  • Makes us to be prepared and ready should an earthquake strike at any moment