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the Rise of College Tuition

Published on Dec 01, 2015

Rising of College tuition


the Rise of College Tuition

by Jazmyne Reddick

college tuition in the UNited states

Photo by marsmet462

two thirds of students graduate with debt

to the tune of $25,000 on average.

the government has made it easier to


saddling a generation with crushing debt

and inflating a bubble that could bring down the economy

about half of students will be repaying

their loans in 20-years, the traditional student loan period

that may mean they wont

be able to buy a home, save for retirement, or fund their kids education.
Photo by marsmet531

there have been a few proposals

to lower the rise of tuition 
Photo by MDGovpics

one proposal obama has planned is

new ranking system for universities
Photo by Nrbelex

Universities will be ranked by

  • Their performance
  • The percieved quality of tuition
  • Their graduates job prospects
  • Student accessibility and affordability

College is A good investment

But tuition will continue to rise if there is not a fix!


  • Cormier, Zoe. "Time For Change." New Scientist 220.2940 (2013): 52-53. Academic Search Complete. Web. 5 Mar. 2014.
  • Add anohMatthews, Dylan. "Introducing ‘The Tuition Is Too Damn High’." Washingtonpost.com. The Washington Post, 26 Aug. 2013. Web. 6 Mar. 2014.er list item here