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The Rise of Rome

Published on Dec 01, 2015

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The Rise of Rome

Trenton Johns

Roman Religion

  • Romans had a religion of their own, it was not based on any central belief, but on a mixture of fragmented rituals, taboos, superstitions, and traditions.
  • They did't worship one god but multiple gods.
Photo by Hindrik S

The Gods

  • Jupiter, King of Gods
  • Neptune, God of Sea
  • Mars, God of War
  • Venus, Goddess of Beauty
  • Cupid, God of Love
  • Apollo, God of Sun
  • Pluto, God of Death
Photo by mharrsch


  • They sacrificed animals such as bulls, sheep and pigs.
  • Vestal virgins were six priestesses, representing the daughters of the royal house, who tended the state cult of Vesta, the goddess of the hearth.
Photo by Great Beyond

Christianity in Rome

  • 30 AD Jesus began teaching
  • 33 AD Jesus is arrested and crucified, his followers begin preaching of his resurrection.
  • 66 AD Jews rebel against Roman rule and they overpowered a small army in Jerusalem.
  • 70 AD Romans retake Jerusalem and kill thousands of Jews. They were persecuted until the early 300s AD
  • 392 AD Christianity was named offical relgion of Rome.
Photo by Franco Folini

Julius Caesar

  • Played a role in the transformation of Roman Republic to Roman Empire.
  • Conquered Gaul
  • Julius Caesar was a general, a statesman, a lawgiver, an orator, and historian
  • Established the calender to have 365 days.
  • He was also appointed ruler for life.
Photo by p medved

Julius Civil Wars

  • Involved Julius Caesar, his political supporters, and his legions, against the Optimates
  • After 5 years of fighting the Battle of Munda ended the war.
  • The war resulted in the end of the Roman Republic and the begining of the Roman Empire.
Photo by thomas druyen

Roman Government

  • During the begining of the Roman Empire legislative, judicial, and electoral powers were all transferred from the Roman assemblies to the senate.
  • The first legal text is the Law of the Twelve Tables.
Photo by Jason OX4

The Society

  • Women that were born free were conceidered citizens but couldnt vote
  • Slaves were a important part of the society, under law they were property, and had no rights.
  • In marriage the man had the power, men usually waited till their mid 20s to marry while women married in their teens.
Photo by ** Maurice **

Social Order

  • Ruler
  • Senate
  • Commons
  • Freedpeople
  • Slaves
Photo by OZinOH