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The Ruling Of Amenhotep III

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Amenhotep III:
Made by: Hannah Kirkwood, and Jessica Rummel.


Amenhotep III ruled 1388 B.C.- 1351 B.C..
Amenhotep is known for being peaceful. Many of his structures still stand today. He was the son of Queen Mutemwiya and the pharaoh Thutmose IV. Amenhotep III was given the thrown at the age of twelve and remained pharaoh until the age of 50.

Photo by Sam Howzit

The family tree of Amenhotep.

Amenhotep's mother was Mutemwiya. His father was Thutmose IV. His sons were Akhenaten,Djhutmose,Sme-snkhkare,and a lot more. His daughters were KV25YL, Sitamun, Iset, Nebetah, Beketaten, Henuttaneb, His siblings were Siatum,(?), Amenemhat,Tiad,Tentamun, Petepihu. And a lot more children. And Amenhotep also had 317 wives, and his favorite wife was Queen Tiye.

Photo by koopmanrob

The person who made up the royal family of Amenhotep III was Queen Tiye.

Rule of the pharaoh.
Amenhotep III. Amenhotep iii ruled for 40 years. The 42-foot tall statue was excavated in Thebes (modern Luxor) on the west bank of the Nile.

What where the Pharaohs accomplishments ( failures).
For the time he ruled he was known for bringing peace to Egypt. His reign was a period of unprecedented prosperity and artistic splendour, when Egypt reached the peak of her artistic and international power. The technology advancements during Amenhotep III reign was that he was the first to issue new bulletins about his marriages, hunting trips and building projects. The religion during his reign was religious policies.

Other interesting fact about our pharaoh are that he was King Tuts grandfather.
He started his reign at age 1⃣2⃣. There was a mystery about Amenhotep III and it is, was Joseph the father of Amenhotep III. It is argued that Joseph May have had a affair with the wife of Thuthmosis IV, the mother of Amenhotep III.

Photo by Averain

The archeologist who found Amenhotep the thirds tomb was Jollis and Devilliers (French Engineers from Napoleon Bonaparte's expedition) discovered Amenhotep III’s tomb in August 1799.
The tomb was located in Greek. Yes archeologist have found the tomb of Amenhotep III. Yes there was a mummy in the tomb of Amenhotep III.

Our ruler died at 1353 BC.
Amenhotep III died of an unknown disease.

Photo by Averain