This holiday is obviously celebrated by running the Bulls through town this holiday goes on for eight days they also have a big feast after the bull run.
This holiday is important to the Hispanic people because it sort of brings back old ethics and ways of life. It's reminds them of who and what they're ancestors were and what they did like herding large groups of cattle through town.
This is an extremely odd holiday but surprisingly there are cultures that celebrate similar holidays for instance, In order to prove their manhood in the Ethiopian Hamer tribe, young boys must run, jump and land on the back of a bull before then attempting to run across the backs of several bulls. They do this multiple times, and usually in the nude then after word get super drunk because. they're now men.
People mistaken the fact that red angers the bull but little do they know Bulls have no color preference at all they just attack the object that is moving the quickest.
Each individual race/bull run only takes 3 horrifying minutes