The Rwandan genocide was a mass slaughter of Tutsi & Hutu moderates in Rwanda by the majority of the Hutus. Over a 100 day spand from April 7, 1994 to mid July, estimated 500,000-100,000 Rwandan people were killed. It was planned by member s of the core political elite known as the Acazu.
Who was involved?-- Hutu militia (interahamwe), impuzamugambi, and the Rwandan gov.
What happened to the victims-they were killed, some of the women were raped. Some were kept as slaves
When- 🕦April 7th, 1994
Where- Rwanda, Africa
Cause- On april 6th, 1994, an air plane that had habyarimana & Burundian president Cyprien Altaryamira was shot down on its way to Kigali, there were no survivors.✈️
How do the actions taking place reflect the definition of a genocide.? The reason this is a genocide is because it was a mass slaughter of the Tutsi & Hutu moderates by the Hutus.
3 most shocking facts: 1. so many people were killed 2. Why they were killed 3. How it began---
Because the government is doing it and no one is Helping them. They almost wiped out an entire race.
Summarization- The Hutus killed a mass number of Hutu moderates and Tutsis.
What will happen if we don't help?- The Tutsi population will be whipped out.