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The Savannas By Iris

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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The Savannas By Iris Castellanos

Photo by eleanord43

The savanna is located in Africa and In Australia.

Photo by eleanord43

The Savanna's climate is dry and wet

Photo by Kalense Kid

In the Savanna's has Loins, porcupine , ect..... And the savanna has a lot of dangerous animals

Photo by Etrusia UK

The Savanna has thorenbushes and acacia ect......... The savanna has a lot of poisenes plants.

Photo by Swami Stream

To survive in the Savanna you need to hunt and look for shelter but you have to be the careful with all the dangros animals there are in the savanna.

Photo by vl8189

The Savanna has to be protected is because of the animals are not as much also it is dry.

Photo by Teseum

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